Example sentences of "to [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 disturbances of conventional word order , literal and metaphorical senses interwoven , periphrasis , ellipsis , leading notions alluded to rather than declared , abstractions personified , persons becoming abstractions , widely different words becoming synonyms , synonyms being given widely different meanings …
2 The Armenians were lucky , for they were the only people this century to flee to rather than from Lebanon for comfort and protection .
3 Intense , novel and variable stimuli are attended to rather than others , whilst regularly repeated stimuli seem to become ignored .
4 There may also be other costs if , for example , the qualification message adds to rather than reduces uncertainty or if the market misinterprets the message .
5 She observes , for example , that gender may affect language use in a given situation not just as a property of the speaker but also as a characteristic of the addressee ; the determining factor might be who is being spoken to rather than who is speaking .
6 By the end of the 1960s many economists were critical of this policy of fine-tuning on the grounds that it added to rather than reduced the instability of the economy .
7 Can the combination of both inward and outward investment be made complementary to rather than a substitute for domestic investment ?
8 The idea is that articulate language is a barrier to rather than a medium of communication and that if only this barrier could be removed , human beings would revert to a golden age of wordless , heartfelt communication .
9 I 'm going to have some headed notepaper as soon as I can get the laser printer printing out things that I tell it to rather than printing out Courier Ten .
10 VSAM uses a modified form of B-tree , so that the number of keys and pointers is the same , and index entries are greater than or equal to the keys pointed to rather than taking some intermediate value .
11 If his mind was too restless to maintain any hold on the spiritual , then did n't he have something far more immediate to face up to rather than to be wallowing in daily bouts of nostalgia ?
12 If an indicator of social deprivation is a substitute for mortality , then this means discarding the best available direct proxy for morbidity , which is after all what much of the NHS seeks to respond to rather than some ill defined concept of social deprivation .
13 A possible difficulty might be thought to arise when a proposition is obliquely referred to rather than explicitly stated .
14 Of course , if government spending were financed by an increase in the money supply , the curve would also shift to the right to and the interest rate increase might be avoided as the economy would move from to rather than from to .
15 Education must be an adjunct to rather than a substitute for psychotherapy , but it is worthwhile if it does no more than alert the patient to the dangers of behaviours such as laxative misuse .
16 All this suggests that the allowance system was a response to rather than a cause of the relief burden .
17 Because the county has to make a decision on the road closure so therefore it should go to rather than .
18 Tests show that on most high performance machines , a spread of splattered flies on the leading edges can account for up to a quarter of the glider 's performance , reducing a glide ratio of 40:1 to less than 35:1 and making a mockery of glide calculations .
19 This is not surprising as the dog 's capacity to associate a form of behaviour and the consequences of it are limited to less than two seconds .
20 The conference approved the Economic Equality policy review which proposes : Ending tax on childcare ; Introducing a minimum wage starting at half of average male earnings ( £2.80 an hour ) , rising to two-thirds the average ; Income tax levels of no higher than 50 per cent at the top , down to less than 20 per cent at the bottom ; ‘ A significant and generous increase in child benefit over the lifetime of the Parliament ’ ; To tax gifts and inheritance at the point of receipt ; To crack down on tax loopholes ; Raise pensions immediately by £5 for single people and £8 for couples ; To introduce a new disability benefit ; To simplify income support rules ; To keep mortgage interest tax relief ‘ at a single rate equivalent to the basic rate relief which we inherit ’ .
21 They say the decision to step up overt pressure came quickly after the Vatican learned from Italian Foreign Ministry officials that Mr Gorbachev 's visit was being curtailed to less than three full days .
22 However , by the 1970s the population had dwindled to less than 20 , and the last inhabitant moved out three years ago , after the land was bought by South West Water .
23 The figure has fallen to less than 60 per cent as overseas banks have become keen lenders .
24 In the same period , off-licence chains owned by the brewers saw their share reduced to less than 25 per cent .
25 By late 1989 the labour force in the Welsh pits , once a quarter of a million men in those proud valleys , had fallen to less than 5,000 .
26 The value of world trade collapsed from $3 billion a month at the start of 1929 to less than $1 billion a month by the beginning of 1933 .
27 In 1987 dirt-poor Bolivia , which cut inflation from 20,000% a year to less than 10% , was allowed to use borrowed money to buy back most of its commercial-bank debt at 11% of the face value .
28 By May 1984 , after America had invaded Grenada and withdrawn from Lebanon , this figure had declined to less than 20% .
29 Over the past 30 years the region 's forest cover has fallen from 42% to less than 15% .
30 Thanks to big one-off dealing losses at certain firms , overall profits from equity trading slumped by over 50% , to less than £400m .
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