Example sentences of "to [be] what " in BNC.

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1 They 're born , they grow old , and they die like us ; and when they 're old , they can turn foolish , and even when they 're young , they can deceive you , and they 're actually capable of telling lies , pretending to be what they are n't : to be sick when they 're healthy , and healthy when they 're sick . ’
2 But there also appears to be what Phillipson , drawing on Cicourel , would call ‘ basic interpretative rules ’ ( Phillipson 1972 : 148 ) , which the police employ when making practical decisions of this sort : the reasonableness of the offender 's excuse ( Ericson 1982 : 147 ) , and whether or not offenders display deference ( Black 1970 : 1101 ; Dix and Layzell 1983 : 73 ; Sykes and Clark 1975 ) .
3 The Masculine Dilemma : Wanting to Be What the Other Is
4 The older man explains why : ‘ Take my word for it — homosexuality is wanting to be what the other is ’ ( p. 337 ) .
5 And when X says homosexuality is wanting to be what the other is , the other is now not the other ( opposite ) sex , but the same sex , and X , as avowed heterosexual , has described his desire to displace the male .
6 The conversation had to be what he called ‘ bawdry .
7 She was always there trying to be what he wanted and she wanted to make things great for him .
8 Last week 's ‘ new cruzados ’ , ravaged by inflation , are blocked and replaced by cruzeiros ( which happens to be what the currency was called up till 1986 ) .
9 … This ‘ me ’ , that is to say , the soul by which I am what I am , is entirely distinct from body … and even if the body were not , the soul would not cease to be what it is . ’
10 And while they force you to be what you do not want to be , they are also teaching you how to be parents .
11 Perhaps I could have tried harder to be what she wanted in a daughter-in-law .
12 ‘ Bound to be What is it ? ’
13 Although it does not add to our profitability it appears to be what consumers want .
14 And thus the practical was gradually and increasingly held to be what the ‘ no-hopers ’ engaged in .
15 In the final analysis , what is on offer has to be what older customers want .
16 The initial problem seemed to be what part of my anatomy to visualize .
17 The process meant that adolescence ceased to be what an American scholar has called an ‘ idea ’ and became , in his words , a ‘ social fact ’ .
18 The challenge to take hold of the world and mould it into the Utopia so desired has so far not been seen by humanity to be what it is .
19 ‘ Yeah — Mum , I told you , did n't I — ’ Cal suddenly got excited — ‘ it 's because Bina 's not allowing herself to be what she ought to be !
20 It was eminently satisfying : she appeared to be what Jonadab would have termed ‘ gob-smacked ’ .
21 Unfortunately , a lot of contemporary architects have been influenced by the Gropius school of thought which maintains that architects should allow a building to be what it wants to be , rather than imposing any character or theme upon it .
22 The poets , mankind 's unacknowledged legislators , have shown death to be what Anne Lindbergh , after the murder of her kidnapped child , saw as a little door .
23 That seems , anyway , to be what Tolkien came to think .
24 There , walking down the middle of the shed in the gloom , I espied a dark blue-clad figure wearing what appeared to be what Dad used to call a ‘ steamraiser , , a shiny topped peaked cap .
25 That used to be what the EC was dedicated to as well .
26 This last drawing exercise is a summary of the simple process of thinking which leads us into a deeper appreciation of how we have come to be what we are .
27 For the patterns in the basic pack and the pattern libraries , the left hand light on the 580 and the EC1 ( or the right hand on earlier models ) must be on for the effect to be what the designer intended .
28 This does appear to be what happens .
29 Competition can be a spur to some pupils and fun in some activities , but the individual 's improvement of his own levels of attainment should be seen to be what really matters and be the most evident cause of encouragement .
30 There is simply no comparison with the terrorist Communist Party of Peru , the Sendero Luminoso , although that seems to be what Evans-Pritchard is hinting at .
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