Example sentences of "in fact [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact during my time in the army I learnt to enjoy and respect it .
2 though in fact during that time the unfolding story of the public regulation of the urban environment has been far from one of even continuity .
3 In fact during so-called modernization from 1861–75 there was actually an increase in the already unfavourable ratio of inhabitants per square metre of living space .
4 It was in fact off Belle Île just south of the entrance to the Bay , which then curves east towards Vannes , where the invasion force from the Morbihan was waiting to embark , that soon after dawn on the morning of Tuesday 20 November 1759 Hawke was able to make the classic signal ‘ French fleet in sight ’ .
5 The Enterprise , that shadowy sump of money , weapons and operatives that lay behind both policies , was intended to operate in other places too , in fact to be ‘ pulled off the shelf , as North said Casey said , any time it was needed , with Congress kept well in the dark .
6 This two-sidedness in ethology harks back in fact to the seventeenth-century dualism of Descartes , the mind — body dichotomy into different ‘ things ’ ( see Chapter 2 ) .
7 Notturno indiano tends in fact to a conciliatory posture .
8 But it could do this only by making a substantial cut in its prices , in fact to prices below the cost of steel imports ( EP , 12 August 1985 ) .
9 Interviewers can not be sure of people 's age or social class before an interview is begun and so one can see the temptation of putting a woman down as under 35 if that is just what you need at the end of a hard day when the woman turns out in fact to be 38 .
10 It was the very same story the time oor Isa sent for the stilettos very much against my advice as it happens but they were supposed to be real made-in-England leather uppers available in three colourways , aubergine , aqua or avocado well , as she said herself she was expecting green but nothing quite as Irish as they turned out in fact to be .
11 His passage through darkness , marked by the ‘ woman in black ’ , burdened women , the bent heads of sorrowing men , convulsed roots and empty chairs , leads from death to the growth that one frosty crisis after another nips in the bud — in fact to the Baby in Cradle he had pictured while in The Hague and been unable to keep faith with .
12 The criterion for concluding that no significant benefit or risk is retained seems in fact to be that absolutely no benefit or risk remains .
13 Behind the bland terms of Scînteia 's unimposing announcement lay the greatest challenge to Ceauşescu 's power , in fact to communism 's control of Romania , to date .
14 ( Second only in fact to the Ferrari Testarossa ) .
15 There is nothing to suggest that a link with the County Hospital was ever contemplated ; the proposed collaboration was evidently to be with other poor law institutions only , and the initial approach was made in fact to the North Evington Infirmary in Leicester .
16 The contemporary debate on energy policy and the sales effort of the Boards concentrated on the domestic sector , though two-thirds of electricity sales were in fact to other consumers ; industry , commerce , transport and farms .
17 If , then , we revise speech as we go along — just prior in fact to the production of the sound stream — the production process in writing is much more complex .
18 Her crown , in some respects the most resplendent , proved in fact to be the last ever made for a Russian ruler .
19 ‘ prohibits not only overt discrimination by reason of nationality but also all covert forms of discrimination which , by the application of other criteria of differentiation , lead in fact to the same result …
20 However , I take the view that , in the context of the right of establishment , a residence requirement does not necessarily constitute such a criterion of differentiation leading in fact to discrimination on grounds of nationality .
21 Denmark 's a prison and he 'd rather live in a nutshell ; some shadow-play about the nature of ambition , which never got down to cases , and finally one direct question which might have led somewhere , and led in fact to his illuminating claim to tell a hawk from a handsaw .
22 Erm this is quoted funnil finny enough by air travel , that without question rail is the safest way to travel and in fact to me that 's a strength not a weakness .
23 Once the railway company and the engineers had decreed where the station was in fact to be located , particularly the larger divisional points , 120–140 miles apart , towns were laid out on the traditional grid-plan .
24 ‘ A meeting at a particular place , which has been expected beforehand , amounts in fact to a rendezvous . ’
25 The first of those from Viola was addressed in fact to ‘ Dear Walter and Hilda ’ , but it was not difficult to guess that it was intended primarily for Walter 's eyes .
26 ‘ I am happy to say , ’ Gould wrote to Sir John Franklin , with a somewhat exaggerated show of piety and self-restraint , ‘ that my last trip to the interior has been productive of much that is interesting , having discovered many novelties both in birds and quadrupeds , my whole journeys in fact to these colonies have been most auspicious ones and I return satisfied and especially thankful for what our almighty providence has in his infinite goodness allowed me to see .
27 Erm th that 's the main er so overall you had a net gain in fact to erm U S profits er Camco erm I think less than that erm Camco 's profits to were spread fairly broadly geographically er as you do know it does operate as you do rightly point out erm pretty much everywhere else and it 's erm featured both in South America and Asia 's decline and Africa , but not in Europe .
28 Yeah I think on the North Sea , it obviously would have erm an effect on parts of our business , some parts more than others erm it 's very early to say exactly what , what effect it obviously in fact to the extent that it encourages the further development of existing fields that clearly benefits parts , parts of our business that are to do with completion equipment and development equipment .
29 In fact to " has now come to be a mere empty grammatical appendix to the infinitive " ( 1940 : 154 ) .
30 This , it will be argued , corresponds in fact to the way allow ( and also permit ) represent permission , a way of viewing this notion which calls for the use of to before the infinitive .
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