Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 During their stay in Woodstock they came to tea with us in our flat in the Banbury Road .
2 In Moscow they have given Holovich the Red Stripe category . ’
3 President Gorbachev 's record as fairy godmother to the cause of democratic revolution , first in Beijing and now in East Berlin , may have caught our fancy in the West , but to some in Moscow he must seem more of a wicked stepmother , turning the achievements of Socialism to dust wherever he goes .
4 In Moscow he became a convert to Marxism , having seen Capitalism in action in Europe .
5 What you 've got happening back in Moscow you can see happening here now . ’
6 And in Moscow you 'll get more roubles for dollars so change your sterling for the US currency before you leave Britain .
7 In 1657 in Marlborough she attempted to speak in the church following the service , was attacked , brought before a magistrate , and imprisoned for six weeks , during which she fasted six days .
8 It took him considerably less than that , for within weeks of the couple parting , Mr Parkes , 27 , took advantage of Miss Dyson 's trip to Spain to return to the home in Northwich they had once shared .
9 Now from his base on the Brunner Mond site in Northwich he provides services for companies , and his clients also include the army .
10 Though his union did not entirely disappear in Hull it took many years to recover .
11 For Shrewsbury certainly brought the lady from Wales , and in Shrewsbury she has done wonders , never renouncing their devotion to her .
12 For an update on the latest from the scene at the Sun Valley factory in Hereford we go over to our reporter Gareth Furby .
13 In the operating theatre of a hospital in Hereford he can get on with his job in the sterile , rather tranquil atmosphere .
14 By the time he went to Abbey CBS in Newry he was already regaling school shows and family parties with the songs of 1970 's singer-strummers like Ralph McTell and Tom Paxton .
15 From the Café de Paris in Nice he wrote again :
16 There 's so much going on in Ibiza it 's easy to put together some really great trips .
17 In Tonga we hear things a little late .
18 In Luxor we hired a felucca with two crewmen to take us the 120 miles by river to Aswan .
19 One of the big differences I discovered between the East and the West End was that in Whitechapel the names of debtors were chalked up on a slate , whereas in Chelsea they opened an account .
20 In the afternoons in Aswan we collected our post and wrote letters home .
21 Louise was what was known as an ‘ exchange student ’ ; at home in Nîmes she was training to be an English teacher and she was doing a year 's exchange as part of her course , teaching French conversation at the local grammar school .
22 But in Leyland they said , What we having for tea ?
23 When Roland arrived in Lincoln he was already irritated by having to take the train .
24 to my mother 's in Lincoln he used
25 In Sheffield they made steel plates and armoured plates for their ships .
26 Whereas in Bradford and Leeds Labour lost ground , in Barnsley they made large gains and in Sheffield they maintained their position .
27 Three to six years later tall herbs take over ; in Sheffield we find rosebay willow-herb , tansy ( Tanacetum vulgare ) , goat 's rue ( Galega officinalis ) , wormwood ( Artemisia absinthium ) , mugwort ( A. vulgaris ) and occasionally golden rod ( Solidago canadensis ) among others .
28 ‘ Well , when I lived in Sheffield I was a founder member of the North Midlands Labrador Rescue .
29 The failure to equalise men and women 's earnings leaves households headed by women poorer than they would be if the breadwinner were a man : In Sheffield I met an assistant in a hospital clinic .
30 Although this kind of shift was common to many local Labour Parties , and has been characterized as the rise of the ‘ new urban left ’ ( Gyford , 1985b ) , in Sheffield it was given a particular twist by the nature of the local economy and society .
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