Example sentences of "in [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They came in right at the end of the period I spent working there I never owned one myself — although I 'd sometimes wear one in the shop I thought they were stupid .
2 Either you 've got to do what you 're suggesting , go in right at the start and say , It 's all sorted , here 's the coding , this is what you will apply , the Inland Revenue have agreed it already , you you know do n't use your own system .
3 Right right in right in the top corner , erm the furthest possible point away from the village .
4 Erm in my view , it has to link in somewhere into the primary i into the road network and it 's not appropriate to link it into er the local road system and er therefore I think it 's inevitable that a linkage will need to be made to the primary road network .
5 " Of course , he could have been put in somewhere on the flood and been carried upstream and then down again .
6 somebody 's in somewhere over there that 's go t drugs .
7 He must have gone in somewhere near midstream .
8 It says in somewhere in the King James ' version , you 're ruined for the world .
9 It does not matter whether the golden spike is hammered in somewhere in England or in France or in China , so long as we can make an arbitrary decision , stop arguing about words and get on with the much more difficult ( but much more rewarding ) task of correlation .
10 In somewhere like the Pyrenees the nearest civilisation may be a no-horse hamlet two day 's walk away .
11 Police told me that it was probably taken by joyriders , and will end up miles away in somewhere like Bristol .
12 He would feel lost in somewhere like Darlington or Middlesbrough .
13 Roman Catholic services were in Latin , in somewhere like Brittany there was a very strong local way of doing it .
14 Such changes enabled junior partners to be taken on without initial capital contributions and to buy their way in effectively through restrictions on their drawings .
15 I use Mesozoic brachiopod examples because they are the only ones I can believe in wholeheartedly from my own work .
16 Jess took a step backwards , muttering under her breath : ‘ God protect me and forgive me sins I did n't meant no wrong … ’ without believing in much except bruises , hunger and Fate which had a nasty way of turning the tables against her , but willing at the same time to try anything once .
17 When knitting a garment in all over pattern , the two facts i always take into account when positioning the N1 cam are firstly , the number of stitches in the pattern and secondly , the number of stitches required for the garment piece .
18 For the remainder of her half-hour set , the audience was treated to vintage Aurora Blake — in fact , it was doubtful that she 'd ever put on a more powerful show in any of the venues she 'd performed in all over the world .
19 I 'm gon na rub powder paint in all over it and see what happens .
20 There are bits in all over the place .
21 There are a whole lot of players who can go out there and knock balls in all over the place , score wonderful great big one four sevens and centuries and things of this nature , but what makes the , the good player an excellent player , is the player who can do it on the big occasion .
22 In all through my prayer and in God house I pray he guides me in my and carries me and you shall be my hero and guide us in our life .
23 Shafts of bright sunlight , pouring in all around him , had dazed him .
24 She wore heavy make-up and she had one of those unfortunate bulging figures where the flesh appears to be strapped in all around the body to prevent it from falling out .
25 Now if I point out that it 's in bold erm and it preempts a question that generally comes up and that is if we er we will pay thirty percent up to a hundred miles one way away from home and er if we had to send you , and it 's a big if I have to say it 's a big if in especially in the medical practice side , if we had to send you more than a hundred miles we will pay another five percent .
26 The huge hand-built limo , flown in especially from Moscow 's wide thoroughfares , found Downing Street a handful .
27 ‘ I 'm on a short lease but I 've never discussed in personally with the prince at any stage .
28 He knew exactly why the Curator had asked him in to see the eagle — a most unusual thing for someone as unimportant as him to be called in personally in this way .
29 The F attachment can be switched in instantaneously by a valve operated by the left thumb .
30 One spring evening a Dutch barge , the Waalhaven , from Rotterdam , glittering with brass , impressive , even under power , had anchored in midstream opposite the boats .
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