Example sentences of "in [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 What has failed in them is Eros ; wherever erotic stirring in them seems to be new , it is nothing of the sort but a reminiscence of a stir that once was .
2 His interest in them is confirmed by his return to the earlier play for the production by The Group Theatre Company in the same year as the performing and publication of The Rock .
3 Though many people find sanserif faces attractive , almost every experiment suggests that text set in them is harder to read than serif faces .
4 The management research field includes many studies on effectiveness , but the only type of participation to be found in them is worker participation , quite different from our topic of client participation .
5 Although the landscape that the poet , the artist and the scientist see is similar in that it is beyond the senses , the way each one of them views , lives and works in them is different .
6 Unfortunately , encyclopaedias are very expensive to compile and publish so one can not hope for a new edition every year and the information in them is thus often very dated .
7 Lots of activities that need a spiritual power to make them work are actually outlawed by God in the Bible , so any spiritual power being used in them is clearly not from him but is from Satan ; God would n't ban something that he 'd created for our good !
8 The capacitors are the ‘ buckets ’ , and the electricity stored in them is the ‘ water ’ .
9 The negative criticisms of Communist strategy and conduct are largely valid , though implicit in them is — or ought to be — an even greater criticism of the Anglo-French policies that deprived the Republic of aid save from a Soviet regime whose diplomatic overtures the British and French governments spurned .
10 The degree of freedom which teachers in England are allowed to exercise and the responsibility with which they exercise the power vested in them is a major factor in the unique nature of English primary education .
11 The text which appears in them is usually in lower case , but this does n't matter .
12 ‘ The grubbing up of Hedge Rows is become general , and the Growth of Timber in them is therefore destroyed , owing to the great price given for Corn since the Bounty took place for exporting Corn and Beer , which gives every Farmer encouragement to grub Hedge Rows up , and convert them into Corn Land ’ .
13 But his daughter proves to have been very properly ill-at-ease among its dazzling lights , long corridors , great staircases and phalanxes of ladies ' maids ; that his second wife should revel in them is an indication of her moral inferiority .
14 A physiotherapist stated , for instance : ‘ What we want to develop in them is the motivation to try and tackle society , take it head on so that they can actually say I want to go and do this , I want to go and do something else . ’
15 But , while they are cash cows , some further investment in them is worthwhile ( in the example tested ) .
16 The following account of the formation of salt marshes and the plant communities developed in them is necessarily brief , but a much fuller account may be found in Steers ( 1953 ) and the papers quoted therein .
17 In them is a bottle of peppermint foot lotion .
18 Though Ata'i 's biographies , written seventy-odd years later , are not devoid of such anecdotes and descriptions , the striking feature in them is the minutely detailed factual data about his subjects ' careers .
19 What you have to instill in them is that losing is insulting to their pride .
20 And even today hut sections can still be bought and despite the fact that they 're forty years old the quality of the wood in them is often better than what you can buy today .
21 there and I know they 're not great , but the there 's quite a lot in them is n't them .
22 No good if you ca n't see what you 're gon na get in them is it ?
23 Just six weeks till the end of term because I 've got my books for six weeks and they 've used , date stamped in them is the last day of term ca n't be bad can it ?
24 Well there 's not that many bloody companies left to put , to go in them is there ?
25 When you 're in the Alps , having a car allows you to drive to different resorts if either poor snow or long queues in yours is a problem .
26 You 're feeling horribly highly-strung in true hound-dog fashion , and the beast in you is rearing its ugly visage .
27 If you give them an explanation which later turns out to be untrue , their trust in you is shaken , their sense of security undermined , and they will not easily forgive you .
28 The Lady of the Hearth in you is that which chooses a space , orders it , and imprints it with your personality .
29 It 's in you is n't it ?
30 20 But while he thought on these things , behold , the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream , saying , Joseph , thou son of David , fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife : for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost .
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