Example sentences of "in [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the event , however , the project occurred in neither of these areas : not in Barnet because the psychogeriatric service was still in the process of development ; nor in Southwark because , although there was an enormous amount of goodwill and enthusiasm for the project , the social services unions ( particularly the joint Home Helps Shop Stewards Committee ) decided that they could not endorse cooperation with the project , the main reason being that they felt — mistakenly in our view — that a project which employed its own carers might be a threat to the employment of local authority home helps , and that ‘ to endorse such a service is not helping the elderly in the long term , it is only carrying out this Government 's stratagem in closing Homes and hospitals ’ .
2 But the original premise that all statements are either empirical or analytical is itself in neither of these categories .
3 In neither of these examples is the question from the author to the reader .
4 In neither of these branches , in Edinburgh or anywhere else , were women employed to any significant extent .
5 But it is deeply revealing that in neither of these paintings are the revolutionary perspectival implications of the Demoiselles explored or developed , or indeed more than hinted at , and that in the Basel painting figures have been transformed into still life .
6 At p524 The Lord President stated : In neither of the English cases referred to was it doubted that if trustees carry on a trade or business — as they not infrequently have to do , at least for a time — they are assessable under Case I of Schedule D ; although again the balance of their profits and gains is theirs only in a representative capacity …
7 Professor Lock will no doubt correct me if I 'm wrong but from memory in neither of those cases was there the sort of provision in the development plan which you 're now seeking .
8 In each of the three ballets discussed movements are not merely coloured by natural emotional expression but often by conventional and occupational gesture , which appear to spring from each dancer 's physical and mental reactions to each situation as it arises .
9 He believes , or he chooses to believe , that in Chicago or somewhere else there were readers of Poetry magazine in 1918 who zealously and in all seriousness wanted to know what French poets of that time they might profitably read , and what in the broadest terms they should look for in each of them .
10 However , the conference overwhelmingly rejected attempts from the left to commit the party to a major extension of public ownership , and to take control of at least one leading company in each of the main manufacturing sectors .
11 ISC is understood to have small contracts in each of these territories but further ‘ phantom ’ contracts are believed to have been invented to make the company seem more successful than it was .
12 Real have won the championship in each of the last four seasons , so that is almost taken for granted ; his job is to win the European Cup , which the club last lifted in 1966 .
13 It will have headquarters in Honduras , with a liaison office in each of the five Central American capitals and 31 ‘ verification centres . ’
14 Mr Nicol said that in each of the three cases the restriction of access to the public conflicted with the principle of openness which applied to all legal proceedings .
15 Yates was also tested in each of the next five days of the Tour of Belgium as standings leader and each time tested negative .
16 As a human variant on such running — or lumbering — gags , there is Wally , a farcically uncooperative caretaker who puts in a regulation grumpy appearance in each of the play 's four scenes in order to enunciate his catchphrase , ‘ Nothing to do with me ’ .
17 Made up of four 30-minute scenes , in each of which the same people say and do the same things in the same setting , Roll On Friday , it is no surprise to learn , has been developed into a five-year television series in New Zealand and Australia .
18 It had had new borrowings or rights issues in each of the last five years and ‘ this pattern appears set to continue ’ .
19 This is an index that assesses conditions for investment in each of about 50 countries .
20 Their hospitality would doubtless have extended to me sampling the food in each of the three messes — but not wanting to risk either myself or the computer 's Carafe programme developing hiccups , I enjoyed visiting each mess and settled for eating in the Sergeant 's Mess .
21 Where a man can become more male and a woman more female by coming together in the full rigors of the fuck … homosexuals , it can be suggested , tend to pass their qualities over to one another , for there is no womb to mirror and return what is most forceful or attractive in each of them .
22 Perhaps the manifest intrinsic contusions which surface in each of the foregoing theories are enough to write them oft , and to show how the same/different metaphysic is nothing more than a potently confused , highly discriminating mixed metaphor .
23 Essentially the assertive female cross-dresser inverted the metaphysics of difference : from being a divine law inscribed essentially in each of God 's subjects and which knowledge of self would confirm , sexual identity and sexual difference are shifted irretrievably into the domain of custom , of the social , of that which can be contested .
24 In each of these cases the majority of farmers have less than 1 hectare under the relevant crop , but most achieve levels of income well in excess of their neighbours who remain outside the projects .
25 In each of the bases a guard goes on duty .
26 The investor has to choose how much of their £2,400 will go in each of them .
27 ‘ We 've discussed the idea of continental championships in each of the disciplines and bringing the best skiers together for a Masters final late in the season .
28 It dwarfs the 1.4m tonnes the UN called for , on average , in each of the three years 1987–89 .
29 Some 97% of the equity-related bond issues were by Japanese companies ; the market reached a peak of $28 billion in the second quarter , easing back to $16 billion in each of the third and fourth .
30 Accounts are also kept for shareholders , but American accounting laws allow studios to guess how well a film will do in each of its markets ( an invitation either to claim profits early or to put off losses ) ; for the tax man ( ditto ) ; and for various stars who have been promised shares of a film 's net profit — a figure which a studio wants to keep as low as possible .
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