Example sentences of "in [art] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus power comes with political longevity , and once appointed to a coveted committee , a Senator or Representative will be loathe to accept , let alone seek , reallocation to another with the more junior status that will ensue , unless the move is clearly likely to be politically beneficial in the medium-if not the short-term .
2 Er I saw how they used to do it in the after they 'd finished work , used to be at it till till nine or ten that night .
3 There is no suggestion in the that he was dismissed from the kazaskerlik ; he seems simply to have moved on to another job , one which , according to Hocazade 's own testimony , suited him very well .
4 It would appear , for example , that either the statement in the that Molla Kestelli was kadi of Istanbul at the time of the death of Molla Ala'al-Din Ali b .
5 It is known from the account of Ali Tusi 's life in the that while muderris at the Uc Serefeli medrese in Edirne with a salary of 100 akce a day , he was ordered by Mehmed II to compete with Hocazade , then muderris at the Zeyrek medrese in Istanbul , in writing a between al-Ghazali 's Tuhafut al-falasifa and the philosophers .
6 or was it in erm perhaps it was in the that you got .
7 Erm we are reassuring everyone who has written to us in the that all of the will be taking it fully into consideration when the money application is is considered .
8 My Lord the defence admit that no such advice was given to the plaintiff but they deny that they were under any duty er to give such advice and it is pleaded in the that er the defendants will rely upon the fact that Mr er held himself out to be er an experienced man of business and as such it was not necessary on their part to advise him upon the adequacy and arrangements for the financing of the operation .
9 Er and I remember , I remember Street West , when the right hand side of Street west going from Road , every house was empty before the First World War and they gave somebody er somebody who lives in the end one and they were rent free if they keep all the rest clean , and always you see house to let where wherever it was in every street there was houses to let , and the price of the house in Street must be about eight shillings a week in those days , and then if you went up to I mean you 'd get in the twelve and sixpenny bracket and down in , those houses down in the that they were ten and six or something like that er
10 The inhabitants of the closes and the tenements had headed for the high ground , leaving the trams and turmoil behind for the mist , the heather , and a good brew-up in the but and ben .
11 One of them , this is not the first in the but one of them is that democracy may well throw up unworthy rulers .
12 They changed that , so the money er it 's a bit different than the Maxwell , the money has n't been erm a switched over to the Cayman Islands and all over the place , it 's it 's stayed in , in the but of course we 're told by the trustees and by our legal advice that nothing illegal 's taken place , the money 's been used to st er finance early voluntary retirement etcetera , etcetera .
13 Yeah I could be going in the but you were n't told that .
14 The cooperation between the factors binding to the 80 bp fragment and these general transcription factors is demonstrated in experiments showing that point mutations in the afore mentioned elements resulted in a strong impairment of transcription ( B.S. , B.B. and A.A. , in press ) .
15 They went to the s School of Signals in the where they learnt to be operators .
16 Perhaps up in the or up in the mountain .
17 so , so even if you 're in the or whatever you know you could still enjoy a meal and so that is about making it special to everyone .
18 If he wanted unglamorous , he should see what she looked like in surgical greens after about twelve hours in the OR , though , of course , she could n't even hint at that .
19 in the or something , it 's some of them are all over again , start them off of course .
20 So if a piston ring breaks , then the chances are it 's somebody 's negligence along the way and it 's not a fault in the or mechanical breakdown .
21 Table — his Project of a Commonwealth ( 1915 ) created dissension in the ranks-but they soon prevailed , and the Round Table brought into currency a new term , the Commonwealth of Nations , which proved popular because it so gracefully combined the idea of imperial unity with that of national autonomy .
22 , see I got very pally with old , , we use to play snooker together that 's how I first met him and then we went there , and I never knew he 'd been in the cos I transferred to the R E's you see .
23 There 's another one actually in the cos Dinda said to me
24 He would n't need much he could sleep in the car-but he 'd still have to eat and buy fuel .
25 Marks had grown greyer , more hairy , more stringy in the years-since their last meeting but he was the same man , shrewd , cynical , and a cop to the bone .
26 One thing was clear in the confusion-that I could not even let myself think about the matter unless my physical health was up to it .
27 When Haynes and Richards on played even more aggressively , and then Best joined in again , the game was heading West Indies ' way ; falling wickets slowed things down , though , and in the and the target was reached with three balls and four wickets to spare .
28 Blood-filled spaces or lacunae soon develop in the wing-pad ( appearing in the and instar of Pteronarcys , for example ) and alter as growth proceeds so that in the later instars the lacunae correspond in arrangement to the veins of the adult wings ; the veins , in fact , arise by differential sclerotization of the integument adjacent to the lacunae .
29 Kelly 's Heroes at the , and scratch Trial by Jury in the , Wild Blue Yonder in the and girl 's choir at , all part of the festival .
30 Er , and you 've got er you 've got er political er educational classes , similar to this , both in Hucknall , er and in the and in the surrounding area .
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