Example sentences of "in [art] way " in BNC.

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1 ACET works with partners , family , friends and other voluntary and statutory organisations to ensure that people get all the care they need in the way that they need it .
2 This extended critical evaluation is a rarity in a survey , but very welcome in the way it spells out a connoisseur 's response in formal terms to a work of art .
3 His work as a teacher does n't involve much in the way of teaching .
4 Ophelia is often ignored for audition material simply because she does n't seem to have much in the way of a sustained speech until she goes mad .
5 Coaching can be a great help — but it can also get in the way , for slavishly following a pedantic teacher can produce very strange results , with the candidate ending up trying to sound like someone he or she is n't .
6 We have problems on British television because our theatrical tradition gets in the way , so-that characters talk too much , as though the medium is only half way from the stage .
7 Gauging the kind of people you are going to meet in the way of giving you work .
8 If the tradition still exists today — and it appears that it very much does so — it implies that the United Kingdom does not have for many loyalists a natural character of statehood in the way the Southern state has for catholic nationalists .
9 The distinct importance of the two sources appears in the way in which state and society in the republic treat the provisional movement .
10 But more likely is the possibility that it will continue to respond to events , in the way it has done in the past — and there is no guarantee that the evolution Cox envisages will be any more natural than the modernization of Iran seemed to be in the 1970s .
11 This is the main reason why I have not until recently felt able to face the task of transcribing them and editing them in the way they .
12 ‘ The main differences between the two styles of cuisine is in the way the Chinese blend ingredients , how they introduce colour into the food , and that up to 90% of the work is done prior to cooking . ’
13 Good though they are , the recipes are not central to the value of this book in the way they are to Jane Grigson 's fruit book .
14 Charles wanted his protégé in and as I was the resident ( and unpopular ) Baroque sculpture specialist , I happened to be in the way .
15 There were of course some major practical problems in the way of me relaunching myself — my age , for instance .
16 Social Services Departments vary in the way they register childminders , but you will probably be visited in your home and be given some forms to complete .
17 So although in a liberal democracy it would seem practical and even suitable for the police to have a say in the way order is defined and maintained , as Foucault ( 1970 ) and Douglas ( 1987 ) have shown , this will inevitably take on an expansionist line ; for anything other than bland support of the proposals of the institution will present a challenge or pose a threat .
18 Any internal disciplinary measure to contain such an account is much less likely to become of public concern in the way that the Clive Ponting or the Cathy Massiter prosecutions became notorious causes célèbres .
19 In a game similar to that devised for the radio show Desert Island Discs , we listed those who would get one bullet from a six-gun , and placed them in order of preference , much in the way the FBI listed the top wanted men in the USA .
20 If you want to see someone , none of these things stand in the way !
21 Well , that TV contract faded to materialise as usual , being a parrot does you fuck all in the way of good !
22 There was sweet nothing in the way of nectar and what duped flowers had burst out of the ground were in for a shock when the frosts came .
23 This is not something to take lightly because if the team does not field competitors in the way described on the list , then that team can be disqualified .
24 Unfortunately , dislocations occur frequently when the fingers get in the way of an incoming kick .
25 Rodney was not in the best of tempers because ( he kept saying ) he could n't see out of the rear window with that damned bicycle in the way .
26 This does not mean that the mind just responds to information in the way in which a thermostat , for instance , transduces information about temperature and performs switching operations .
27 There is something reflexive rather than rational , automatic rather than deliberative , circumscribed and autonomous rather than holistic about parsing a sentence such as ‘ She met John before Mary arrived at the airport ’ in the way we do ( with the pronoun she not referring to Mary but to some other female ) .
28 It is true that we can not observe or measure directly mental processes taking place in the brain in the way that we can measure , say , blood flow via a brain scanner .
29 My concern here is with the mythology that has accompanied these advances ; the metaphysical claims implicit — and not infrequently explicit — in the way they have been described .
30 I knew that my presence annoyed him , and if I 'd stop to nurse hurt feelings , I 'd travel home each night on the el , lonely and defeated , in the way one can be on a train .
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