Example sentences of "a point [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 vocalisation , a point which is stressed in Cicely Berry 's standard book , The Voice and the Actor , which is used as a basic text in drama schools .
2 This influences the expectations that the public in Easton have of the police , and of their role in the community — a point which one constable made by explaining that one resident in Easton , upon finding himself locked out of his home , called at the station asking for the duplicate set of keys to his house which he thought the police would routinely possess for the residents ' benefit ; phone calls from the public asking for air and train information also sometimes occur .
3 A point which these listings often miss is that typifications are not all of equal generality within the everyday world .
4 He admired a point which Stead had made about Polynesians and Christianity , but worried that he could not think of a Christian anthropologist .
5 Nozick is certainly raising a point which supporters of the other versions of neutrality have to contend with .
6 Unlike his fellow sovereigns , Napoleon III reigned by the Grace of God and the will of the people , to whom the Constitution made him directly responsible — a point which he himself stressed continually .
7 As our defence systems against pathogens improve , so does the adaptability of the pathogens to each new environment we provide , a point which is amply illustrated by the emergence of apparently ‘ new ’ diseases such as Legionnaire 's disease , myalgic encephalomyelitis , ( postviral fatigue syndrome ) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) .
8 He asks if the redshift of distant galaxies could not be explained by a universal contraction towards a point which is , as yet , beyond our observational limits .
9 Simply to like or dislike , be attracted or repelled , feel pleasure or pain , involves a quickening or a shrinking from awareness , a point which we shall be looking at more closely in the chapter Awareness and pleasure .
10 More and more camcorders are coming off the production lines with this useful feature ; however , it is not a point which need concern you unduly if you happen to have one of the older machines , as the effect is noticeable only on edits where there is a big change in the character of the colours at the shot-change .
11 A point which may be relevant to this was that virtually all those who had made a positive choice of credit type did have bank accounts — a factor which clearly brings bank loans into the range of credit possibilities for people .
12 ‘ Again , in the event that planning permission is granted , they have indicated their intention of tunnelling into the mountain from behind , at a point which is uninhabited and out of sight from the road at least ’ .
13 This policy continued but came under increasing government pressure after independence , so that the open discussion over the radio of certain issues became more limited : a point which is discussed further below .
14 The broadcaster who gave a complicated radio talk on a technical subject was wasting his time , for no one listened to him — a point which came over in interviews so often that it became indisputable .
15 They all wanted to maintain peace , and they were all committed to defending Polish independence , a point which Bevin , on Lloyd George 's behalf , impressed on Soviet diplomats in London — ‘ his first experience of diplomacy ’ , A. J. P. Taylor remarks , with characteristic acerbity , ‘ but unfortunately not his last . ’
16 All through his life , though Ken could be austere and stubborn to a point which provoked exasperation , his evident holiness was so blended with cheerfulness that he seldom lost the admiration and affection of his contemporaries .
17 It may well appear to be somewhat deserted at first , but please do n't forget that these fish will grow quite large , and fast , so the lack of crowding at the start will help towards the fish 's comfort , a point which we must never fail to overlook .
18 Do not make too sharp a point which can bend and so become blunt more quickly , and use a hand-held file rather than a mechanical grinder , which can overheat the crampon and ruin the temper of the metal .
19 It was a point which opened up a line of argument opposing the ‘ true ’ national interest of abolition to the false claims of the traders of national necessity for what they were doing .
20 Thus statements in the text material which attribute spatial differences to ‘ different kinds of people ’ , or government planning , or factors of location such as the availability and stability of a labour market , have arbitrarily stopped the causal chain at a point which omits social , economic and political considerations .
21 This is usually taken to reflect a generalized normative expectation that women are the appropriate carers ; although empirical evidence about normative expectations is actually fairly sparse ( a point which I shall take up in chapter 5 ) .
22 Such claims always have a point which goes well beyond instruction in English usage .
23 Enough of them might also have left the county to reduce the population to a point which , by the 1520s , created a need for Breton workmen .
24 ‘ I must now mention a point which I hope will not give rise to difficulties .
25 This is not a point which arises because the diagram oversimplifies a complex process .
26 Ideas have to begin somewhere , a point which tends to be overlooked by those who seize on leaked internal government memoranda floating a proposal at a formative stage of the idea and criticize both the content of the proposal and the secrecy which surrounds it , without reflecting that ideas have to be shaped by discussion and given preliminary approval as worthy of examination before they can go out under the imprimatur of the organizing body .
27 A rather more subtle case of silence on a point which appears to be dealt with exhaustively in the Convention is to be found in article 7(3) , which prescribes a conflict rule to determine the law governing public-notice requirements ( if any ) needed to perfect the lessor 's title against a trustee in bankruptcy and creditors .
28 At the end of the day it is a case of choosing what one 's faith will be about — a point which Christians are reluctant to acknowledge .
29 We would like to add to that statement of principle by stressing a point which is sometimes overlooked , namely , that the trial process itself is equipped to deal with the bulk of complaints which have in recent Divisional Court cases founded applications for a stay .
30 I shall , however , be content for the purpose of this appeal to adopt the narrow approach , which avoids the need to discuss the proper scope of the rule , a point which has not been argued before your Lordships and has hitherto been seriously discussed only by the academic writers .
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