Example sentences of "have seen in " in BNC.

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1 Her interest has been aroused by some new paintings which she has seen in a SoHo gallery , which a friend has compared unfavourably with the work of Lee Krasner .
2 Yes , it is a bad winter , the worst he has seen in sixty-five years of herding reindeer here .
3 In most other parliaments , members have allotted places and , as soon as a member is called , as the author has seen in some of the Canadian legislatures , computerized selection of the name focuses the camera automatically on him or her , and also adds relevant information ( name , party , constituency , etc. ) as a screen caption .
4 I enjoy the actual hunt in the same way that a fisherman enjoys casting his fly or bait near a fish that he has seen in the hope of catching it .
5 Nobody stops learning , but at only 15st I 'm the fastest heavyweight the world has seen in a long time . ’
6 He has seen in the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the emergence of a commercial " leisure industry " responding to a bourgeois desire to emulate the existing minority culture of the elite .
7 The White House spokeswoman , Dee Dee Myers , said Mr Clinton would ‘ make one of the most important economic statements this country has seen in a decade ’ in his speech to Congress .
8 Then she thought about those other long low huts she 'd seen in the fenced-off meadow beyond St Michael and All Angels .
9 At the time , Peter Alliss said it was the longest drive he 'd seen in his life .
10 The outcome of the exercise in the White Paper , I think , had three main parts : one was a new think-tank , the Central Policy Review Staff , which presumably reflected some of the stuff you 'd seen in the United States at Rand and so on ; the other was a new system of , I suppose you would call it , zero-based budgeting , where you would look at longstanding government commitments and see if they should stagger on — that was Programme Analysis and Review ; and , to reduce the weight on Cabinet , there were to be big conglomerate departments , which led to the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of the Environment .
11 Maybe I was just a provincial or something , but I began to see that I was among the strangest audience I 'd seen in that place .
12 It was the red-head she 'd seen in town .
13 We 'd decided to have a ploughman 's lunch or some such at a likely-looking pub we 'd seen in the next village .
14 The other score — of damage to sons , property and livestock — was never calculated , but the injuries sustained were not considered excessive , and everyone agreed that it was one of the best hurling matches they 'd seen in several years .
15 Her underwear was lacy red and black , brief and garish , the kind of stuff he 'd seen in Soho shops and assumed was the monopoly of prostitutes .
16 It was the corniest , happiest , most affectionate movie I 'd seen in years .
17 After the wounds he 'd seen in his time , how could one little splinter have such an effect ?
18 Only the diehards used them now , that was the first one I 'd seen in captivity for some months .
19 ‘ I can see it upsets you , ’ he said softly , and she was afraid to look at him , afraid to see again what she imagined she 'd seen in his eyes .
20 He was watching her with that same intensity she 'd seen in his face before , the one that made his eyes seem like dark sapphires .
21 ‘ I 'm not Superman , my dear , ’ he made her bruised chin immediately better with that warm-sounding ‘ my dear , ’ ‘ so what else could I do — and I own that I was n't thinking at all too clearly — but appeal to the pride I 'd seen in you ? ’
22 Films like dreams come and go and are soon forgotten , yet King Kong , which I must have seen in 1933 , or early 1934 , with its scenes of adventure in a fabled land , was the one to overwhelm my mind and stay with me to the present day .
23 Old enough , certainly , to brood upon things , and too young to make much sense of the sights and sounds he must have seen in this dismal little room .
24 Small reliable local firms whose work you may have seen in other people 's homes are of course worth considering .
25 ‘ You can see things going wrong in the company that you would n't have seen in any other way , ’ says EIS guru Bob Widener .
26 In fact , a rule of life which I should have seen in its perfect clarity , was already operating .
27 George you may have seen in a wine bar , often in the company of younger lawyers ; or at the theatre , with a blonde ; or on the steps of the Garrick , with or without a blonde .
28 Those who took an interest in Clara might have seen in his death the loss of an ally , because outwardly at least he appeared to be more intelligent than his wife ; at least he did not scorn in public , as she did , all efforts of the mind , and all the aims of education .
29 As you will have seen in last month 's review , an ‘ Interim Release ’ has been issued , which addresses some inconsistencies with the primary release of the program .
30 You may have seen in the press that British Telecom is planning to create more phone numbers to meet growing demand for telecommunications services .
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