Example sentences of "have feel [subord] " in BNC.

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1 As all around me a nation explodes into an orgy of joyous celebration , I feel a little of what Mrs Thatcher must 've felt when the tabloids went into rapture about her ‘ ten glorious years ’ .
2 It was the best she 'd felt since Ascot .
3 After murmuring words of consolation , I asked her how she 'd felt when her husband gave up being a butcher and devoted his life to carving the gods .
4 I felt helpless in the face of my own infantile bad temper and sulkiness ; I could remember exactly how I 'd felt when I was six , and somebody was trying to cajole me into doing something I did n't want to do … in a minute , I thought in some recess of my mind , I 'll be stamping and shouting , " Wo n't ! "
5 And scared again , like I 'd felt when I 'd woken before .
6 After years of living out of suitcases in hotel rooms and tour coaches , finding the shabby old farmhouse deep in the country had seemed like heaven — the second she 'd spotted it , she 'd felt as though she had finally found home .
7 If it had been only philanthropy , would it have felt like it did ?
8 Now she knew how St. George must have felt when facing the dragon .
9 He decided to open his eyes , and immediately knew how God must have felt when he first observed his new creation .
10 He looked at her with those sensual eyes and she knew how Ma must have felt when she first met Pa .
11 I tell you ; I felt exactly like that other brilliant fellow must have felt when he discovered penicillin .
12 The papers to which he had referred , and which he kept in a tin box underneath his bed , contained an unexpected coda to this small adventure — an unfortunate little postscript which reminded me how Captain Scott must have felt when he reached the South Pole only to find that Amundsen had beaten him to it .
13 He knew what those two victims must have felt when tossed into the heat sink .
14 It was obviously written as encouragement to the soldiers and families separated during the long years of the Second World War , but it seemed to express the yearning that so many young men must have felt when they were far from their families , desolate and frightened :
15 Zen pushed on , understanding how Italo Baldoni must have felt when the young Miletti slipped through his fingers .
16 Or , apropos of the necessity of having a good historical imagination when reading , ‘ I had much rather know what I should feel like if I adopted the beliefs of Lucretius than how Lucretius would have felt if he had never entertained them . ’
17 How would you have felt if someone with a hundred times your experience had tried to buy into one of your early ventures ? ’
18 Was that how she would have felt if she 'd been in her position ?
19 Well , his theory was that this guy was a writer or something , a historian or somebody like that , and Freud said it 's quite likely that in the past he had had either dreams about a similar dream or conscious fantasies about how he would have felt if he 'd been in the French Revolution and what might have happened to him .
20 I wonder how Manzoni must have felt as he gazed out of his window at the Palazzo Belgioioso and the comings and goings of Prince Albercio ; the Prince rode out of the square each day on a horse , dressed in a bright general 's uniform , in order to review the private bodyguard he equipped and maintained .
21 Ellie tried to imagine how her mother must have felt as she had left Ireland by boat , to sail the Atlantic and marry a man she had met only a handful of times .
22 he must have felt as I felt in that empty place .
23 Despite the shock that he must have felt as he drove to what he expected to be his hangar on the morning after , he has shown himself to a man of warm priorities : ‘ People and their problems are more important than airplanes , ’ he has commented .
24 Theodora could n't help feeling , as she had felt before when dealing with Gilbert , that he was being disingenuous .
25 She could tell that Dr Neil was looking at her most sceptically , although he was touching her so gently that the black fear which she had felt before she had fainted did not return — and pooh to his suspicions !
26 The build-up of frustration he had felt since he lost the part would not allow him to be silent .
27 Sophie frowned , trying to recall just how she had felt while she was gathering information from the lecturers at the veterinary congress .
28 The sweet scent of her native land came back to her , but she also began to remember the terror she had felt when she was wrenched from her home and transported to a place beside the sea .
29 Dermot sounded almost as angry as Kelly had felt when she 'd heard the news .
30 Even the unease he had felt when from time to time he had registered his brother 's anxiety , had somehow suggested an adventure .
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