Example sentences of "have work well " in BNC.

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1 In a first round of voting during the summer , and then during their closed-doors assembly at a secret spot in Berlin yesterday , the musicians came out in favour of a likeable man who has worked well with all kinds of orchestras , and who is diplomatic rather than autocratic .
2 This has worked well for both permanent and respite care .
3 We have put out to tender the contract for prison escort services , an approach which has worked well in other countries .
4 We forced ourselves to have clear-outs and the result has worked well . ’
5 Some couples whose cohabitation has worked well for them may be surprised , hurt or bewildered when , legally married , they find their relationship deteriorating .
6 The strategy of teamwork on each assignment of a director , consultant and a researcher has worked well in producing an impressive completion rate and concomitant large amount of repeat business .
7 It has worked well until recently , when it failed to boot to drive C and this message came up on the screen :
8 Our heading has worked well for the second quarter of our route , so we 'll keep to it — but hold on , what 's this ?
9 This strategy has worked well for two years , reducing delays suffered by our passengers .
10 I 've used a mixture of terry and disposable nappies which has worked well , and I think has saved money , but it meant I needed nappy buckets , rubber pants and pins .
11 The fifty percent share holding has worked well , because what it means no one person can impose their will , no one has control , you have to resolve problems by agreement , resolve disagreements without coming to blows .
12 The system is one which has worked well in the United States .
13 In their dealings in the office they 'd worked well together , achieved an excellent rapport regarding the PR for the business fair , but somehow he 'd been the model of teasing aloofness , apparently with more time for Stephanie Marsa than for Caroline .
14 He 'd had to work well over a hundred hours a week for weeks on end .
15 So , it will either have not worked at all for some obscure reason or it will have worked well and .
16 Ceolred was remembered in some quarters at least as a profligate , but Wilfridian circles seem to have believed that Wilfrid could have worked well with him ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 64 ) .
17 In a purely crofting community this arrangement must have worked well as it was a pleasant blend of work and social intercourse .
18 Either of the two opposing views might have worked well , but the compromise is an artefact related to social considerations , not to the problem .
19 He seems to have worked well with leading churchmen — such as Eorcenwald and Haeddi whom he acknowledges in the prologue to his laws — and Wynfrith , a monk at Exeter , later known in the course of his mission to the continental Germans as Boniface .
20 As I said , safeguards apply in the case of children and of rape victims , and they seem to have worked well .
21 It is in line with the precedent of the timetable motion on the Local Government Finance Bill , which is generally held to have worked well and provided for effective consideration of the Bill .
22 In Japan a qualifying examination ( which seems to have worked well and produced very good recruits ) began in 1894 , a minor but significant aspect of the extraordinary process of change which the country was now undergoing .
23 Richard Clifton , chief administrator of the executive 's medical division , said the voluntary arrangements had worked well , but ‘ voluntary arrangements are not enough .
24 And socialist governments had worked well in West Germany for more than 10 years .
25 Fortunately , George V had worked well with his father and knew the nature of the current political trends , but he did not wield the same influence internationally as his esteemed father .
26 ‘ And if I wanted to promote someone , I would choose the person who had worked well in the community . ’
27 Next time he came on one of these recces he would bring a bag for these trophies , but the chinagraph pencil had worked well in noting on his slate the depths of water and the position of that false beach .
28 Over the years they had worked well and closely together until the political situation in Russia underwent the first dramatic changes .
29 For her it had worked well in some ways but not in others , which had mainly to do with the relationship between her and her foster mother after her son Sean was born .
30 That had worked well enough at Bruche .
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