Example sentences of "have too few " in BNC.

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1 Messrs Rowland and Middleton say they are advised that Lloyd 's has too few tangible assets ; and anyway they think it wrong to burden future Lloyd 's members with the repayments .
2 Having too few of a product in stock can lead to lost sales if the item runs out before a new delivery arrives .
3 Everyone likes fun and pretty things , but — having too many frocks must be almost as bad as having too few , and if you go out somewhere every day , and razzle every night , you would get stale .
4 Servicemen must not be asked to fight and risk their lives equipped with inferior weapons ; and yet , they will have too few weapons if the costs are too high .
5 If we are not to have too few choices at some point , then we are bound to have too many at others .
6 The match fell into abeyance when the Druids had too few golfing Brothers .
7 They either had too few subjects , too short a treatment , lack of double-blind methods or the subjects were institutionalised and demented geriatrics who were too far gone to show any psychological changes .
8 In 1863 the special train bringing royal visitors to the Prince of Wales 's wedding at Windsor had too few carriages .
9 Concerning costs , it has been reported in the financial press that FIMBRA merely had to take the word of Dunsdale that it was investing in gilts , as the SRO had too few staff to adequately deal with each individual firm .
10 They have too few people to boss about , but no shortage of guns and grievances .
11 The second is that it does not adequately take account of the sad fact of life that health authorities may on occasion find that they have too few resources , either human or material or both , to treat all the patients whom they would like to treat in the way in which they would like to treat them .
12 Things go wrong when you have too few , or when one gets out of proportion to the rest .
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