Example sentences of "have over the " in BNC.

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1 FKB , the UK 's largest independent sales promotion company , has over the past 15 months made half a dozen US acquisitions .
2 LaBudde documented for the first time , on video and in his diaries , the suffering and death of thousands of dolphins in a tuna fishing practice known as ‘ fishing on porpoise' ’ , which has over the last 30 years killed between 6 and 12 million dolphins in the eastern Pacific .
3 But if Mr Major is at heart opposed to greater union , Britain 's policy is likely to be affected by the institutional pressures of Whitehall , which has over the years committed itself to the pro-European line .
4 This has been a minority view for 15 years or more , but one kept alive by the persistent efforts of Chip Arp , of the California Institute of Technology , who has over the years produced a series of photographs which show objects with very different redshifts that are physically connected by streamers of material .
5 A farmer 's wife of Middle Farm has over the years developed a very attractive plant and shrub centre with success .
6 Like Lawrence of Arabia going up and down the majestic sand dunes , he has over the years risen to great heights , and plummeted to great depths .
7 However , the USA in particular has over the years been increasingly explicit in accepting certain international legal restraints on possible nuclear use .
8 Robert Grosvenor is one of those artists who give new meaning to the term ‘ raw material ’ , using as he has over the years wooden beams — stacked , splintered , split and variously arrayed over the floor .
9 Taking a cue from Robert Indiana 's emblemised letterings of the 1960s , Matt Mullican has over the years built a rich vocabulary of geometric symbols which he has used and re-used in a variety of formats .
10 Each of these assets has over the fullness of time authored its own particular problems and dilemmas .
11 Another advantage Granada has over the competition , he says , is that unlike the big vendors now scurrying onto the marketplace to boost revenues , Granada — structured around the Data Processing Customer Engineering Plc acquisition and sundry add-ons — has been in the game for years and knows its strengths and weaknesses .
12 DG has over the last three to four years put a good deal of energy into reducing that cost base , but now , even with a quarterly breakeven level reduced to $270m from $350m , the company is struggling to make ends meet .
13 The big advantage WindowWorks has over the competition is that it supports OLE .
14 The squadron , which moved to Uplands in 1955 , has over the years operated a variety of transport aircraft , viz North Stars , a C-5 , Comet 1As , Yukons and Cosmopolitans .
15 The ‘ accounting profession ’ has over the years widened to the point where it is not only commonplace but is expected that ‘ professional accountants ’ will be employed by industry , government , local government , health authorities etc .
16 Yet such a view is contrary to the spirit of much of the rest of this work , where we emphasize the limited control that the government has over the private sector .
17 It can happen that the ownership of one person is subject to certain rights which someone else has over the goods .
18 This typically increases the control the experimenter has over the situation , however , the results of these studies have been much more varied .
19 Bro Cernyw Aelwyd has over the years won in almost all sections of the Urdd 's activities , from Eisteddfod competitions to darts , pool , five-a-side football and twice runners up in the national quiz competition .
20 Sadly the very dry weather we have had over the last two summers has meant that even young bulbs have not been able to bulk up their energy supplies and so the following year they have been unable to produce flowers .
21 One reason he thinks he can do it is the help he 's had over the past six weeks of intensive Lilleshall training from England 's newly-installed bowling coach , the former Surrey and Sussex star Geoff Arnold .
22 What kind of deal do they think Americans Indians have had over the past 200 years ?
23 We want a change from the feudal tenure we 've had over the years .
24 Good views can be had over the loch and over to the Merrick , at 2,770′ the highest peak in the Southern Uplands .
25 It has had over the years to be much restored , having been damaged three times by earthquakes and also outrageously neglected by the community of monks , who seem to have had an unnatural taste for litigation — one lawsuit between them and the locality lasted almost throughout the eighteenth century .
26 ‘ You know the trouble we 've had over the years with MPs ’ secretaries ? ’
27 ‘ I realised in this day and age that people are looking for something that wee bit different , and we found with the long spell of bad weather we 've had over the summer months that people want to stay inside , ’ explained Mr Nelson .
28 Well , we will try again , and maybe if we do win the Rumbelows League Cup and finish third in Division Two , we might just get the same coverage overall as one man has had over the past weeks .
29 Surrey County Council 's assistant county director for highways and transport , Paul Higerty , said he was able to ‘ dispel any fears that residents may have over the reclassification scheme ’ .
30 Bono understands and relishes the positive subversive possibilities of pop , and realises the piercing edge it should have over the advertising poster , the average sitcom .
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