Example sentences of "have just [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My er the right hon the right honourable lady I 'm er I do n't know whether I 'm sorry to say or not , it 's a bit out of date , my right honourable friend has just today given a clear explanation of the back to basics theme .
2 This suggests that either educational reform has just not gone far enough or that , although improved educational standards constitute an important development goal , they can only be effective when accompanied by structural changes in the rest of society .
3 ‘ We have approached the council about this and it has just not moved , ’ she said .
4 Cos any other person who has just not applied and have a couple of points be able to take you to court .
5 Well it has just not come through .
6 . I I i i in a way I want to back up the point Mr has just just made .
7 Taylor Woodrow , traditionally the most conservative of contractors , has just unexpectedly parted company with its chairman , Peter Drew .
8 The group has just officially opened a badger nursery where young injured and orphaned animals can be raised and returned to the wild .
9 But the beleaguered taxpayer has just over 12 months to prepare for the changes — by which time the Chancellor hopes an improved economy will soften the blow .
10 The smallest of the three specialist colleges , it has just over 150 full-time students , of whom about half come from Wales .
11 Remorseful Prober remembers whether it has just spontaneously defected , and whether the result was prompt retaliation .
12 Moreover , since it is said in a context where Adam has just manifestly failed to react to the punch-line as quickly as the set of other students , the speaker ( given this type of speaker to this type of hearer in this type of surroundings ) will be assumed not to be intending to tell an untruth , but to be implicating the opposite of what she has said .
13 Westminster environmental protection officer Sid Geake says the council has just about cracked the problem of multiple signs , but is now going even further to curb the blight .
14 Well , Debbie has just about given in .
15 It has to fend for itself , out of a budget that has just about risen with inflation in recent years .
16 Computer Associates International Inc has just about run out of available US software products companies to snap up , and now it has crossed the Atlantic , making landfall in Dublin , where it has bought the assets of C++ object-oriented C specialist Glockenspiel Ltd .
17 Cognos has just about sorted out one of the big problems software companies with a proprietary platform background face when getting into Unix : pricing .
18 Well Digital Equipment Corp always said it would catch up with IBM Corp , come what may , and the company has just about done it : IBM 's loss for 1991 was $2,827m and DEC 's loss for the year $2,780m .
19 This RTP ( reduce to products ) contract was expected to last two-and-a-half years , and has just about come to an end after less than two .
20 But it is not just played for easy excitement : this is alarming because it is so near the edge of what is possible , and yet it has just enough in reserve for tremendous final prestissimo .
21 He has just enough to buy his materials , to live , to have a working holiday every year , to manage .
22 Burmah has just under 30 per cent , which could be sold on to SHV , or another party .
23 Lewis now has just under 21,000 people ( almost 6,000 of them in the town of Stornoway ) , and Harris nearly 3,000 .
24 She has just under £1 billion to spend and when she wants to go to the zoo she can chose between the two Christina and her husband Thierry bought for her .
25 The group , however , was then almost unrecognisable from the one that has just recently burst back into the FTSE 100 .
26 Has just recently withdrawn Labour 's promise to link pensions with average earnings .
27 And is there anyone you know that has just recently got married cos these are areas that obviously
28 I would like to er say that we are very grateful today to be able to welcome amongst us his grace erm , the most reverent Alwyn who has just recently been elected as the Archbishop of Wales .
29 I guess the right girl has just never come along . ’
30 ‘ The farmer has just as great an interest in safe food as the customer .
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