Example sentences of "have people [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He says It has all the ingredients that kids want jeopardy , death and destruction but it also has people saving lives and so the parents like it and that is why it has been so popular .
2 ‘ A secretary will ring up and tell us a professor has people coming to lunch and so we 'll get on with that . ’
3 You 'd people think it 's easy let them have a go at it .
4 You must 've had people passing through there , famous people who you can register , get them there , do , do this sort of thing .
5 They 've had people leaving boxes of cigars and bottles of vintage port and silver-topped canes and even wigs and sets of false teeth , apart from all the other obvious things .
6 And I 've discovered a really great label over here called Plein Sud — they 're the best clothes — and when I 've had people set up photo shoots for me here I get them to bring some for me .
7 She said that she had had people come to her office in tears , not knowing how they could possibly meet the cost of a funeral .
8 I 've been on the other end I 've had people come sell it for to me .
9 I 've had people come up and buy records and tapes and things and they 've gone back to their stall which is all they sell is records and tapes .
10 In our own system over here , we 've had people criticising the shortage of teachers ; would any of you consider coming over to Great Britain to teach ?
11 We might have had people staying .
12 Have you had people to see you ? ’
13 I 've had people try to put one over on me many times , and let me tell you , gentlemen , few people succeed .
14 Apparently they have had people calling in saying , ‘ please could I speak to Sue ’ , and that could be anybody , and then the switchboard has to go through the rigmarole of saying , ‘ what 's it all about , do you know where the person works , can you give me a bit more information ’ , and it takes up a lot more of their time , so please , if you 're leaving a message for somebody to call you back , leave your full name and your extension number .
15 We 've had people working excessive hours to meet deadlines and we 've been profitable .
16 I take it that is a special bearing , I know she 's had people look at it , I 'm gon na try and suss out how far she 's got down that line as to having another source but I do n't think she has .
17 But also some really exciting projects like er we 've had people making sculptures out of scrap from the motorway , we 've had , er we 're going to have a music project working on , again working on scrap from the motorway .
18 We 've had people say access to the car and then we get a phone call to say they 're off sick for a couple of weeks that actually means that the car has been not available .
19 Yes , because if you do meet people who come to this area they particularly if they spend a week or ten days in London first , I mean I 've had people say to me , you know , golly it 's totally different , and it is .
20 ‘ They have had people walking in offering them their savings .
21 I have had people ring me up at weekends and luckily I 've had the stuff and taken it back .
22 A rally of more than three strokes would have people fainting .
23 You 'll have people bring their children , if they know when you 'll be here .
24 I do n't often have people reading to me .
25 Then you would n't have people thinking that going to a Phish concert means you have to put up with the smell of somebody who did n't do very well at school .
26 you wo n't have people calling you Semon then .
27 He s doing better now than Speed did in the side when he first came in — Speed tended to be rather anonymous ( something Wilko actually said too ) , but he had the potential to ‘ have people leaving the ground saying ‘ That No. 11 was a good little player ’ ' , those were Wilkos very words .
28 You know those , these people that get , if they actually do have people employed to analyze these tapes and sit and listen to them they 're gon na have such a laugh .
29 I ca n't have people ask me where my husband is .
30 Famlio would have people watching me wherever I went .
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