Example sentences of "have now in " in BNC.

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1 There was until recently one situation in which the Monarch might be called upon to exercise a degree of discretion but even this has now in practice been removed as the result of party political developments that took place between 1957 and 1965 …
2 I 'm sure many members will have been sorry to have noted the erm , the thefts of materials and one hopes that security cameras has now in fact been er installed , and if not , why not ?
3 He notes that : ‘ the Institution was built in a Quadrangle Form , having now in the centre a large lawn or grass plot surrounded by posts and chains , and that between the Buildings and these a broad Pathway had been left , partly paved with stones … used chiefly for testing the freedom from lameness of Horses sent for examination prior to purchase ; as well as for ascertaining the progress of those under treatment in the Infirmary for lameness arising from various causes .
4 So that the wearing of mourning , fifty years earlier a sign of virtue , had now in Mrs Maugham 's generation become a habit to be scorned and condemned ; it was ostentatious and therefore it was insincere .
5 I mean , we 've had the facilities as we have now in the town centre I mean , it has improved this town immensely !
6 It 's not Marxism because what we actually have now in a Maoist Communist Party , as it emerges in the course of the nineteen thirties , is a leadership composed not of socialist working class militants but of intellectuals whose prime motivation is that they are modernizing nationalists .
7 He is God 's first instalment of the future salvation that awaits us ; the part of the future we have now in the present ; the pledge of the fuller life that is to come .
8 And in such a state of war as we have now in Wales , mischances can happen all too easily .
9 There is a difference between a contract to sell ‘ 12 bottles of port ’ and one to sell ‘ the 12 bottles of port which I have now in stock . ’
10 So that what we have now in Shropshire , erm , on the first of the maps , if , if the new R D A's within Shropshire , which shows one in the south of the county , one in the , in the Oswestry area there , going across into Ellesmere , and this with , around the Whitchurch area .
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