Example sentences of "have say at " in BNC.

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1 You can you go to church every Sunday , sing the choruses or the hymns , listen to what the man has to say or the lady has to say at the front , and it can just go over your head and it can mean nothing to you apart from something that you believe might be true .
2 No , I thought it might 've said at the back and Dinosaur
3 ‘ Nothing I choose to express , ’ she 'd said at once , without thinking .
4 We ( or they , as I would probably have said at the time ) now lived in a detached , fairly large house in a village in Berkshire ; my father taught at a primary school in a nearby village , and my mother had a job at the Harwell Atomic Research Establishment .
5 I said , if you 'd have said what you should have said at the bloody tribunal .
6 I would have said at forty one you know you er you 're still probably young enough to get a salaried job but we decided that it might be worth er you trying this avenue .
7 I think we should have said at the first the very first lesson , they just ploughed straight into did n't they ?
8 Perhaps I should have said at the beginning , although I hope it 's obvious , that the speaker of this poem is , of course , coming back to the town where he was born .
9 ‘ Dorset , ’ someone had said at a recent dinner .
10 Eleanor was right when she had said at the very beginning that he should have gone along with the corporate planning proposals to phase-out the UK Vehicle Division as a manufacturing operation .
11 Then Waddell 's alibi , Donald Carmichael , who had said at Meehan 's trial that Waddell had been staying with him on the night of the murder , now admitted this was a lie .
12 For the pacifists of the ILP , however , the Memorandum was seen as a first stage in the creation of a new diplomacy from below ; ‘ our own proclamations … our own diplomacy … our own international meetings ’ , as MacDonald had said at the Leeds Convention .
13 ‘ Stop messing about , ’ Rosie had said at his first attempt .
14 They had all come to her , one by one , during the evening , an evening harried with telephone calls — ‘ I do n't think , ’ Anna had said at one point , ‘ that we have eaten an uninterrupted meal in twenty-one years ’ — and they had all explained to her how awful they felt , and how guilty they felt about feeling awful , because it was n't anybody 's fault , and that made it worse , having nobody to blame .
15 Anthony had always known that she loved Julia , but after the things Comfort had said at Christmas he had not expected her to be thrown into quite such terror .
16 " My sons told me you lost your wife in a swimming accident four years ago , Monsieur Devraux , " she had said at last , speaking quietly in French .
17 They had said at the school she had had a screaming session .
18 There was an army display on for one day only , Mrs Blakey had said at breakfast : the car-park behind the fish-packing station had been taken over for it .
19 Girls often had gifts like that , Rosalind Swain had said at the time , especially in adolescence .
20 The Queen had said at a banquet given by Emperor Akihito that the atrocities had caused a " deep gulf " between the two countries ; Netherlands figures indicated that some 21,320 of the 138,500 internees had died during their internment .
21 Yeltsin had said at a press conference after the Alma Ata meeting that " we do not want to follow the tradition which has taken shape since 1917 of burying each [ former ] head and leader of the state and subsequently reburying him or regarding him as a criminal " .
22 Critics of the Vienna conference , notably the Tehran-based Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq ( SAIRI ) , had said at that time that the conference should have been held in the region to make it more accessible for the bulk of the exiled opposition .
23 All he had said at the interview , apart from ‘ I completely agree with you ’ and ‘ You are absolutely right , Headmaster ! ’ was ‘ Let's get this show on the road ! ’
24 Count Tolstoy 's co-defendant , Nigel Watts had said at an earlier hearing that he had never intended to push the whole debt on to the historian .
25 that 's right , erm she had said at the time when they had raised all this money that er mostly gon na be spent on erm
26 the whole place was gon na come to a halt if anybody fired a flash gun and furiously Fred grabbed the royal people and I grabbed the Finns and we started reorganising the present so they could take place under the enormous great windows that there are in and nobody had said at any time a flash gun will stop the machines .
27 But I come back to what I 've said at the outset Mr Mayor in conclusion .
28 Read what the movement 's spokesman had to say at the time .
29 The Aldershot principally because it gave a structure to what I had to say at least went up there fairly confident of what I had .
30 ‘ It 's the first time my students have said at the end of the book that they love grammar ! ’
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