Example sentences of "have that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This time Rodney , a vet from the early Emmylou Harris days , teams up with Steve Winwood , Marc Cohn , Don Henley and Barry Beckett to make a record that tends towards a generic West Coast feel in bits , but also has that Springsteen-goes-broody vibe , which is sort of rewarding .
2 Going into the studio — you have a record deal that says the record company pays for that — but has that contract been examined ?
3 In the next scene Macbeth , speaking alone and with no need to deceive anyone ( given the convention in Elizabethan drama that what characters say in soliloquy is true ) , admits the evil of their ‘ deep intent ’ : Duncan is ‘ clear ’ , really has that freedom from guilt or stain that his wife had urged Macbeth to assume : in a sense he tries to do so here , in his defence of Duncan 's right to be treated with love and respect , and in his invocation of ‘ pity ’ , that constant test of humanity in Shakespeare .
4 Has that mission gone ?
5 For all modules a user can only enter a new module or access an existing module by quoting a package that has that module name already in its Module Relations ‘ CONTAINS ’ list , and via which the user has the authority to modify that module .
6 A user can only enter a new module by quoting a package that has that module name already in its module relations ‘ CONTAINS ’ list .
7 As Belle Robertson , the sextuple Scottish Champion would say , this new star of the LPGA circuit has that brand of ‘ cheek and desire ’ given to very few .
8 Has that assessment been confirmed by what you 've found ?
9 I mean p and if every leaflet I think has that slogan on COHSE NALGO and NUPE working together in Northumberland , that gets the message across to the members .
10 Judit , at 13 tall for her age , with russet hair , has that capacity of early teenage of one minute seeming like a woman and the next like a small child .
11 Has that boy … that man any money ? ’
12 ‘ Why has that boy come back ? ’
13 Properly made knots and splices in rope are from forty to eighty per cent efficient ; that is , the joint has that fraction of the strength of the continuous rope .
14 ‘ Only Miles Engado has that clearance . ’
15 The most important of these is her version of Mr Callaghan 's ‘ Economic Seminar ’ , though it no longer has that name .
16 Then it gives me great pleasure now to erm I always knew that John al , has had something different from the rest of us you know he has that kind of air does n't he , that that status in the pulpit which you know , ?
17 Yes , we all know that he prefers consensus rather than confrontation and I suppose maybe because he has that kind of style he might be just what the doctor ordered for the nineties .
18 He now brings an action in the High Court , in the course of which he gets an order for discovery , B is compelled to disclose the documents which he has that support A's case , and A may be allowed to administer interrogatories to B — questions in writing which B must answer also in writing but upon oath .
19 Has that man been near you ? ’
20 Has that school closed now ?
21 But I also seem to remember rows , and Motherdear going on and on and on — she has that way , you know : she just gets a subject , and worries it to death and beyond , never giving up , like a dog with a dirty old carcass .
22 Having seen the decline in public services over the past decade , I hope that he never has that opportunity .
23 Even when it has that opportunity , because directions have to be sought , it is clear , as we have seen above from Sullivan v West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive , that it has no power to exclude such evidence at the interlocutory stage other than to limit the number of witnesses .
24 Juliet , has that Westwood fellow been in touch ?
25 Presumably no one does any more , for the programme for small children no longer has that title .
26 We are in London 's trendy media haunt , the Groucho Club , where he has that day become a member , his celebrity enabling him to jump a one-year waiting list to his evident delight , and where he is promoting his new BBC travel series Pole to Pole , a sequel to the successful Around the World in 80 Days .
27 I mean , he has that hate of other things and other people outside his own type .
28 He has that selfishness — it 's not even an honest selfishness , because he puts the blame on life and then enjoys being selfish with a free conscience .
29 They said , ‘ Well , nobody will notice her if she 's got her back to the audience , ’ but all the audience wanted to know was ‘ Why has that girl got her back to the audience , is she hideously scarred ? ’
30 ‘ You know she carried on the business alone when her father died , got guts has that girl . ’
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