Example sentences of "have it always " in BNC.

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1 Nor has it always been the chub which were taken from the bottom ; several times the barbel have been on the bottom and the chub hovering above them .
2 For what reason has it always been relatively far away in time distance and in cost distance ?
3 At Tankersley , the custom has not been continuous since its introduction , nor has it always appeared on Feast Sunday or even on a Sunday at all .
4 It has certainly not been the only movement , nor has it always taken the same form or led to the same conclusions .
5 The act of dispensing with them has not always met with common assent nor has it always been smooth — the English historical landscape is scattered with periods of violence and upheaval — but once the dispensing process is achieved , it has largely been accepted .
6 Has it always been in your family ? ’
7 Well yeah but she is seven seventy is n't she has it always taken her or has it ?
8 Or had it always been an illusion anyway ?
9 Had it always been so in the period of the conflict with England ?
10 A couch had appeared on the balcony — had it always been there ? — and they were lying on it together , though he could not remember moving to it .
11 But why have they change why have it always picking people up and saying er
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