Example sentences of "have in [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The problem of accessibility arises in a number of different ways , but primarily in the general difficulty that the private citizen has in undertaking litigation without representation , even though this is the intention behind the procedure .
2 He has in writing that he is to be used — only — as an offensive midfielder both in games and — in training — .
3 The United States of America has progressed much further than the United Kingdom has in determining this question but the basic legal principles are the same : copyright protects expression but not idea .
4 I feel that not a enough emphasis has been put on the vows that er parents take and the responsibility the minister has in administering those vows and therefore I support er the new amendment because of this , that it offers er a form of evangelism without the risk of having the parents taking vows that they do not er that they can not keep .
5 The main purpose of the play is not only to show the murder of Claudius , but also , and more significantly , to show the character of Hamlet and the problems he has in accepting what he has to do .
6 The operating instructions/task description can be modified if the analysis reveals any problems from the operator 's point of view ; anything which the designer may have omitted or any difficulties the operator has in moving around , manipulating controls or checking information presentations .
7 So it seemed plausible that these elliptical fields are stimulated best by bars orientated parallel to their long axis , and that the lack of obliquely oriented cells explained the difficulty the octopus has in distinguishing between the two diagonals .
8 This attitude is reflected in the enormous flexibility that PAS has in supplying not just complete assemblies , but small internal parts of those assemblies .
9 The strongest card Britain has in dealing with the Third World is not that it is a burnt-out empire , but that it is a peaceful union of diverse nations , regions and cultures , some of which share with the Third World a common historical experience , and so can speak to them in a manner in which London , or the prosperous south-east corner of England , never can .
10 Historical research has thus proved more successful in demolishing old myths and theories about the relationship between crime and social change than it has in replacing them with sustainable generalizations .
11 He speaks of the trouble he has in getting paid , his fear of old age and its isolation and poverty when he can no longer work ; and he describes the privations and pains of his working conditions .
12 But I do know the difficulty the Major has in getting away to do his own things .
13 The same survey found that the more a person smokes the less faith that person has in believing that he or she can stop .
14 The only advantage London has in developing an act is that it offers the opportunity of performing frequently .
15 This concept is also linked with the concept of power , which is one used to indicate how much influence a family member has in achieving a desired outcome , by active or passive alignment with other members .
16 At the same time , this ethic-based explanation fits well into a particular corner of the general theory of social integration offered by Shils. though the gap between the very general theorising of Shils and the over-particular and superficial descriptions of Banfield is a result of the great difficulty this variant of pluralism has in achieving its declared aim of sustaining empirically based theory and empirical research guided by theory .
17 Nine years ago and several times since , Duran had shown the difficulty he has in fighting someone who is on the retreat .
18 He concluded : ‘ It seems to me that the only purpose the FBI has in proposing such a law would be so that it can make telephone taps without the cooperation of the telephone company … in other words , what they are asking for is the ability to make warrant-less taps . ’
19 Thank you Mr Gordon erm you stated I think in your opening , I think y your opening statement , can you confirm that the two year delay has in gaining the first flight has been in actually gaining the flight control system er certified for flight .
20 By comparison , on Gibson 's Flying V guitar , the bridge pickup has to sit rather high because of the effect the tune-o-matic bridge has in raising the height of the strings above the body , which I 've always thought looked and felt a little clumsy .
21 It is now commonplace to remark on the influence which government has in regulating our lives , from supervising and registering our births to certifying our deaths and most points in between .
22 The hesitation which the average individual has in going to Court and giving evidence should not be under-estimated and if there is , therefore , an inclination to avoid that the Tender provides the agent with a basis for persuading the client to accept .
23 As Lord Simon recognised in Morgan , it is the role which the criminal law has in protecting girls under 16 from sexual exploitation and abuse which justifies the present law .
24 However the courts have consistently recognised the interest that the employer or any other covenantee has in protecting business secrets .
25 He can not hide the pride , though , that he has in following Hare at Leicester .
26 Yet the great mystery of schizophrenia remains — it is still unclear precisely what role , if any , such factors have had in bringing about the first onset of the disorder .
27 Whatever effects these traumatic events may have had in forming his world view and concerns about military adventurism , they can hardly have limited his intellectual growth .
28 A good part of that is I think , a consequence of the delay that we 've had in implementing the wishes that this council has expressed before .
29 Nothing could have hurt on this glorious morning and she had quite forgotten about Marie and the amusement the girl would have had in seeing her .
30 What became real to her was not Therese Aschmann , but the tiny diamond and garnet engagement ring Willi had bought in a shop at the back of St Stephen 's Cathedral , and Gerda 's delight , and the luck they had had in getting two cancellation seats at the Staatsoper for a performance of Figaro , and the elegance of their hotel , and the toy truck they had bought for Georg , which had been so large they 'd had trouble getting it home .
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