Example sentences of "have in [det] " in BNC.

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1 If operation of the model can , to some degree , accurately represent the workings of the market then an individual company may be able to gain a deeper understanding of the relative position that it has in that market .
2 Neither may it appoint anyone who is or may have been a member , officer or employee of a local authority or voluntary organisation and who has in that capacity been directly concerned with arrangements for the child 's care , accommodation or welfare during the five years before the proceedings .
3 The judge may be mistaken in his judgment of what the legislature would have chosen , and even if he is right , this hypothetical legislative decision has not been announced in advance , so the ideal of protected expectations has in that way been compromised .
4 ln Britain , the pattern of televised sport has in many respects followed the natural preferences of the ‘ amateur ’ establishment .
5 Oddly , perhaps ominously , the war has in many respects gone better for Israel to date than for any other single party ( with the possible exception of CNN ) . ’
6 The work of other researchers has in many different ways helped to shape our work , to influence what we have asked and to make us more sensitive to what we have heard .
7 Renault 's Zoom , although less exotic than the others , has in many ways the most to offer .
8 Certainly denon 's is a substantially clearer and less muddled sound , but this can often also be achieved with simple care and attention to mastering , allied to access the original lacquers or tapes — which Denon has in many cases had .
9 ‘ Sexuality ’ has in many ways been most resistant to this challenge , precisely because its power seems to derive from our biological being , but there have recently been several sustained challenges to sexual essentialism , from quite different theoretical approaches : the interactionist ( associated particularly with the work of Gagnon and Simon , and in Britain Kenneth Plummer ) ; the psychoanalytic ( associated with the reinterpretation of Freud initiated by Jacques Lacan , and taken up by feminist writers such as Juliet Mitchell ) ; and the discursive , taking as its starting point the work of Michel Foucault .
10 Indeed , the existence of a basic contractual relationship has in many situations provided a foundation for the erection of a fiduciary relationship .
11 The rule of course has in many senses a more restricted application than nuisance ; there must be an accumulation , and it must be of a substance likely to cause injury if it escapes , neither of which is essential to liability in nuisance .
12 Public health medicine has in many respects been in the vanguard of specialty training , with a unified training grade combining registrar and senior registrar grades since 1982 and a well structured training programme , which many regard as a model of its kind .
13 By stressing superiority of the competitive as opposed to the collaborative , the individual as against the collective , the private as compared to the public and by elevating profitability to at times the sole criterion of success , they have created an economic framework where the survival of the fittest has in many cases come to mean the survival of those who are best at avoiding controls on their activities without being caught .
14 Though Michael Herr has in many ways done well out of Vietnam , he says : ‘ I think I paid a lot of dues ; Neil Sheehan [ author of A Bright Shining Light ] paid a lot of dues ; Don McCullin paid a lot of dues ; Larry Burrows paid all his dues .
15 The success of the Modular Course over the past 15 years has in many respects been the success of Oxford Polytechnic .
16 Sir Teddy Taylor recently articulated the argument that the anti-Common Marketeers have had to contend with and which has in many respects been found wanting .
17 Although YTS has proved to be an important catalyst for change , the nature of these changes has in many ways been unexpected .
18 The disappointing results of this survey come at a time when the second WHO review of its Health for All policy concludes that ‘ the implementation of strategies to achieve those aims has in many cases slowed down ’ .
19 With quite minor additions and subtractions the actual wood substance has in all cases about the same chemical constitution and about the same density of ninety pounds per cubic foot ( that is , much the same as sugar — say 1.5 ) .
20 In a few minutes , Gordon Brown , the Shadow Chancellor , offered more substance than Chancellor Lamont has in all his months at No 11 Downing Street .
21 The conclusion from this comparison of the draft Bill and the Act is that Parliament has in all material respects adopted the committee 's approach and has thereby indorsed the committee 's point of view .
22 The eldest son of the eldest son of the eldest son , etc. , will have considerable wealth , whereas the second born has in all families .
23 Despite that record , it is , of course , the case that unemployment has risen in this recession , as it has in all other recessions .
24 The test of obscenity still required proof that the matter was ‘ utterly without redeeming social value ’ , but it was not long before social value was claimed for sex , a Californian judge declaring himself unable to find such lack of social value in a film which ‘ appeals to the normal interest in sex and nudity which the average person has in such matters ’ .
25 It is the complex factors underlying these conflicts which the Forum Programme wishes to explore , together with the relevance , both negative and positive , which communication has in such conflicts .
26 The Court of Appeal has in such cases refused a jury even though the allegation accuses the plaintiff of committing criminal offences , although where the trial affects national interests or the honour and integrity of national personalities it may decide otherwise .
27 Recent work by several anthropologists has stressed , by contrast , the State 's previously over-looked role as an exploitative mechanism , and this work has in most cases been influenced by Marxism [ e.g. Terray , 1977 ; Bloch 1977 ] .
28 Where business executives are concerned , though , management has in most cases considerable discretion in deciding whom to retain and whom to release in a redundancy exercise .
29 Fingerspelling does not , therefore , stand alone as a system but has in most cases become part of sign language for adult deaf People .
30 For general undergraduate studies , however , the tutorial has in most colleges been superseded by the lecture .
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