Example sentences of "have [adv] only " in BNC.

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1 If now we postmultiply the ( 3 × 2 ) submatrix of A by I , we can add the last result to it to recover A as the matrix product unc Finally , a matrix of rank 1 can be expressed as the product of a column and a row in that order — for such a matrix has effectively only one independent column , all the other columns being proportional to it ; similarly for the rows .
2 Our work so far has obviously only been of a preliminary nature , but even so it is clear that there are many strands in the concept of participation and public involvement in decision-making related to novel energy systems .
3 The series ' existence has hitherto only been known to people who visited the late Dollie de Rothschild 's ( died 1988 ) private house in London , but her heir Lord Rothschild has decided that they should go on display next year in Waddesdon Manor , the house she gave to the National Trust during her lifetime .
4 DNA bending does not seem to be a general feature of eukaryotic transcription factors and has hitherto only been demonstrated for little more than a handful of such proteins ( see e.g. 44,69 and references therein ) .
5 But the problem is that this requires a teacher of genius ; and that a pupil has anyway only a brief time to get through work which has taken the lifetimes of many eminent predecessors : there must always be something artificial about heurism .
6 The very evolution from the concept of nurse ‘ training ’ to nurse ‘ education ’ is a relatively recent development which has really only gained momentum in the past eight to ten years .
7 To give an idea of the desolation of some of the villages ( in the Saratov area ) ( may mention that the village of Kano , in the Markstadt district , which has a normal population of over 3,000 , has now only 1,100 inhabitants left , and remember the winter is only just beginning .
8 Of course , the NME has consistently only really been as good as the contemporary music , film etc it celebrates and criticises , and remains a decent barometer , despite the sporadically desperate-seeming attempts to apply bellows to no more than a small flame .
9 The Home Office has previously only given national rape statistics and none on indecent assaults , fearing it would increase women 's worries .
10 It describes in particular the ways in which Provençal painting , influenced by the development of photography , ‘ japonisme ’ and out of doors sketching , used a range of techniques which art history has previously only associated with the Paris-based Impressionists .
11 DEC is likely to add an open application programming interface to ACMS , which has previously only been available on VMS-based server platforms .
12 Partridge has previously only held annual exhibitions of recent acquisitions ; a thematic exhibition of relatively low cost items was , Mr Schroder conceded , an attempt to ‘ broaden the market ’ in these difficult times .
13 It was in keeping with the determination of the man , and he 'd probably only held off because those bobbies had to be somewhere in the vicinity .
14 Budget models may have upright only .
15 In usual circumstances the Latvian match would have probably only have attracted around 5,000 loyal Northern Ireland supporters .
16 ‘ We will not examine all of them but we will take random samples and check to see if anyone who has registered for gross interest also has a file at one of our tax offices — which they should not normally have as only non-taxpayers should be registered for gross interest .
17 The Salon , which had mostly only exhibited Berlin and German painters , put on exhibitions with an international character in 1891 and 1892 .
18 Whereas nuclear weaponry had effectively only been in the hands of the U.S.A. , the development of such weapons by other nations had been increasing , so at a meeting , in December 1962 , at Nassau , Prime minister Harold Macmillan and President Kennedy , hammered out an agreement whereby Britain abandoned its plans for ‘ Skybolt ’ in return for the U.S.A. ‘ Polaris ’ missile for use by British nuclear submarines .
19 These are the new rate books , we 've literally only had them through this week .
20 This was a departure from tradition , since the illuminated cars had hitherto only been decorative .
21 Longer-term relationships had generally only developed where particular business interests were more or less directly involved .
22 But if just once I feel I 've run as hard as I possible could , in good shape , and I 've still only done 27:50 , maybe I 'll be happy to say , ‘ Oh well , Solly , you 've been kidding yourself all along ’ . ’
23 ‘ We 've still only got his word for it , ’ said Lewis , after Ashenden had gone .
24 Yeah , cos you 've still only got one then have n't you ?
25 But by August 1897 they had still only paid £100 , and the teachers lost their travelling privileges .
26 Indeed , I recall being present at a formal state banquet in Malawi when the Life President , His Excellency the very elderly Dr Hastings Banda , had been speaking for 45 minutes proposing the toast and had still only reached 1947 .
27 France , which had seven embassies in 1871 , had still only ten in 1914 .
28 Thus the French foreign ministry , which had in 1814 some seventy employees with functions directly related to foreign policy ( i.e. excluding messengers , doorkeepers , etc. ) had still only ninety in 1870 ; but by 1914 this figure had grown to 170 .
29 Erm but even although that 's their raison d'etre they 've also only got so many places , so many
30 More than one of them remarked on how pleasant it was to return to base in the early hours , cold , cramped and tired out , to see our welcoming smiles as they called in at the office on their way down to the Mess , even though they had probably only called in to tear us off a strip for having given them a rotten weather forecast .
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