Example sentences of "have [verb] your " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm glad to see you 've regained your colour . ’
2 Your County Chairman has received your personal letters rejecting this planning application o of a maximum two point six represents fifteen thousand residents object to it .
3 You may be attracted by an advertisement in your local paper , or perhaps reading the nursing press has aroused your interest .
4 your employer has broken your contract ; and 2. that action was so fundamental as to justify your ending the contract ( or that it was ‘ the last straw ’ ) ; and that
5 This may be because the client has misinformed the agency , or has redefined your duties prior to your arrival .
6 ‘ It seems that an evil wizard from a land across the sea has filled your palace with evil creatures and hideous traps to prevent you showing the sceptre at noon today .
7 It was written merely as a simple introduction to the Alexander Technique and I hope it has whetted your appetite to find out more .
8 If this has whetted your appetite , how should you get started ?
9 If this article has whetted your appetite you can find out more about working overseas for Wimpey by ringing personnel manager Kitty McBain on 081-846 2970 .
10 Lord Templeman has given examples of Parliament 's encroachments on the principle ( sometimes involving a measure of protection for the person compelled to make disclosure , and sometimes not ) and Lord Ackner , quoting a passage from Cross on Evidence , 7th ed. , p. 427 , has reminded your Lordships that the principle is not immutable .
11 When the child does what you want , tell him what it is he has done that has earned your praise — for example , ‘ That was good of you to tidy up your toys .
12 ‘ My lord sheriff , reverend gentlemen , ’ said the earl , ‘ you come very aptly , if Robin has reported your errand rightly , for I confess I 've been tempted to lift the lid on whatever it is they 've brought me from Ullesthorpe .
13 No-one has reported your anarchic views on school boards re : hand grenades get through !
14 Working in conjunction effectively with you , our members , and it has to meet your needs and interests as well as our own , and I 'm therefore looking forward to the possibility , in fact , the certainty of us having a year of achievement us for the interests of the voluntary sector .
15 You must deploy Mr Bargepole equipped with a pair of electrodes and a can of Aqua Regia in the MD 's office of United Newspapers and not let him at it until he has secured your reprieve .
16 Never accept a quote unless the company has visited your premises , seen what the job entails , and fully discussed your needs with you in advance .
17 Shelley asked , ‘ She has met your family yet ? ’
18 Once a literary agent has accepted your work , you stand a better chance of getting it published , though this is still not guaranteed .
19 " Everyone in Bouton has noticed your arrival .
20 You prayed , just as you said you would — and , this time , God has answered your prayer ! ’
21 " My dear master , " he said , " the sun has dazzled your eyes !
22 However , if some setting that you have little or no first-hand experience of does happen to be what has made your imagination bubble and race , you need not cross it off altogether .
23 This practice has robbed your rivers of much of its spawning stock to the great detriment of the whole Scottish economy , for wild salmon bring money into the country in many ways and provide direct and indirect employment for many through anglers who fish for them in your rivers .
24 Primary infringement means that someone has copied your work and made such copies public , or has authorised someone else to do this .
25 Ellen Jebeau brought her lips tightly together and drew them inwards between her teeth before she said , with deep bitterness , ‘ I do n't know about it being a time for plain speaking , I can only say that time has shown your ingratitude for what I 've done for you over the years . ’
26 No one else in the world has had your experience of life , sees the world through your eyes or treads the same path through life ‘ towards the light of your particular guiding star ’ ( this is described in a rather dull way as ‘ motivation ’ ) .
27 Good ideas rarely come out of the blue ; search carefully and you will often find that someone else has anticipated your inspiration or at least , thought of something similar to it .
28 But you can be absolutely sure that , if that is the position of your business , somebody else somewhere has got your card marked as an easy number and is about to take you by surprise .
29 When you think that the judge has got your point , do not go on repeating it .
30 ‘ Would you like to go down to the kitchen now , Tobermory , ’ asked Lady Blemley politely , ‘ and see if the cook has got your dinner ready ? ’
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