Example sentences of "have [verb] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 And you mum I 've got yeah , will do erm I 've forgotten what I was gon na say now .
2 Next month , for his final piece , Pete Livesey has revised what he considers one of his best published articles : A Short Walk with Ron
3 There has developed what has been described as a ‘ transition trap ’ , experienced by the generation which has cared for their elders in the traditional manner , but whose children have increasingly embraced Western lifestyles , and fail to fulfil customary expectations about caring for their parents .
4 I am running a 1986 V8 County 90 which at 25,000 miles has no more than normal backlash in the transmission line , yet a most irritating noise has developed which can only be described as a clunk that occurs whenever I apply or lift off the throttle in any gear .
5 A technology has developed which enabled the growth of the speciality . ’
6 In the area of booking contracts a form of damages has developed which may enable the guest to obtain more than the value of the contract .
7 What Lyle , Faldo twice and Woosnam did in successive years has broken what ever invincibility the home players thought they had .
8 What Lyle , Faldo twice and Woosnam can do in successive years has broken whatever invincibility the home players thought they had .
9 The writer has to gather whatever 's there : sometimes too much , sometimes too little , sometimes nothing at all .
10 Terms such as ‘ faggot ’ may be unacceptable to polite society in this age of political correctness , but clearly nothing has altered what goes on in the privacy of the popular conscience .
11 Here , Pip has realised what a disaster he is and he has been hit by hard consequences as a result of his greediness .
12 The Treasury Bench has heard what the hon. Gentleman said .
13 The records of that hospital seem to have been long since destroyed , but Vivien 's brother , Maurice Haigh-Wood , has explained what happened to her : a " reception order " was drawn up for her committal .
14 For it is assumed that God , who is conceived in highly anthropomorphic terms , has given what amounts to a blueprint to humanity as to what His will may be .
15 Thus within hospitals the Alliance of Health Workers ( AHW ) has formed which as a union allies itself with the progressive national union federation .
16 For if the student can retrieve an item by dialling a number , he still has to discover what number , and to conceptualize how he might arrive at the correct answer that would give it to him .
17 Most stingingly , she declared : " Amid the applause of the West , Mikhail Sergeievich has forgotten whose President he is . "
18 In case of doubt the court has to guess what meaning Parliament would have picked on if it had thought of the point .
19 Every county council has to provide what is termed a Structure Plan for the next 10 years .
20 He has attacked what he calls the ‘ practice in many of the country 's paediatric units to avoid performing life saving operations unless their parents insist ;
21 This humiliation has eroded what little confidence Jean has .
22 The employer has considered what employees at all levels will contribute to the success of the organisation and has communicated this effectively to them .
23 BDO Seidman has won what is believed to be the first successful countersuit by an auditor against a former client .
24 Texas Instruments Inc has won what it wants from Hyundai Electronics Industries Co Ltd , and the South Korean company will pay royalties to use Texas Instruments semiconductor and personal computer system patents under a cross-licensing agreement between the two companies : Texas said the portion of the agreement covering the semiconductor patent is for 10 years , and the personal computer part is for five .
25 The headmaster has to know what 's going on … ’
26 Bluntly stated : an enquirer into ‘ the mind ’ has to know what is in his own mind and why it is filled in the way it is .
27 The main difficulty is that in order to record capital the organization not only has to know what assets it owns but it also has to put a value on them , even if the ‘ value ’ is their historic cost .
28 At the end of the day the whole community has to know what this is all about , but let me stress , there is no threat in this process that is being proposed , to bring about a total cessation of violence , there is no threat to any section of our community , none what so ever .
29 Not because he ca n't live without her ( he has a new life , new partner and new home ) but because he has to know what happened .
30 Not because he ca n't live without her ( he has a new life , new partner and new home ) but because he has to know what happened .
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