Example sentences of "have [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 Though my son , that 's my eldest , in the Royal Navy , wrote that he has them in the Pacific . ’
2 ‘ That old Plumpton has them in the baths — an hour , private-like , once a week . ’
3 ‘ They has them in London when it 's Christmas .
4 The grave , on the contrary , has them in the minimal sense of its being merely an emphatic statement of someone 's duties towards it .
6 She has them in the bathroom with her , and she apologizes : ‘ I 've just put fifty pence in the meter to get water for our bath . ’
7 Thorfinn said , ‘ He will either send back a fire-party and advance with the rest while he still has them in order , or he 'll abandon both his carts and his cover and bring them all on to finish us . ’
8 She said er , Derek has them in his garden .
9 — and she has me in mind for the part of Komarovsky . ’
10 The school has nothing in common with the old finishing schools for daughters of the party elite .
11 [ This is why ] … the examination of the social and , moreover , irrational and blind system from the viewpoint of its equilibrium , has nothing in common … with harmonia praestabilitata .
12 For Shumiatski the famous scene in Modern Times in which Chaplin accidentally finds himself leading a Socialist demonstration showed the comedian remaining ‘ true to himself ’ for ‘ he is lonely — his path has nothing in common with the path of the masses — it is the path of the external failure ’ .
13 Personal computer manufacturers like Compaq Computer Corp and Dell Computer Corp have been touted as potential OEM customers for NeXTStep 486 since details first emerged , but Jobs has nothing in writing yet .
14 Second , it has nothing in common with known paintings by Raven .
15 This method has nothing in common with the pivotal method , but has great advantages in certain circumstances .
16 ‘ It is not the same if you know that what you are drinking has nothing in it . ’
17 The guest bedroom is a small room with a tiny window , and it has nothing in it but a single bed , a lamp on a nightstand and Jesus hanging , plain and formidable , above the bed , I sit above the covers , staring into space .
18 It has nothing in common with cases in which a particular producer , by acquiring monopoly control over a resource , is able to maintain his position as sole source of supply indefinitely .
19 Charity workers have recently returned from Romania after completing a survey of the hospital and Mr Paul Stage , chairman of the organisation , said : ‘ It has nothing in the way of modern conveniences .
20 Because he has her in the bath with him . ’
21 I believe it is worth taking a chance that FLOWN , who has plenty in hand at his best , goes on the ground .
22 He was tremendously impressive when beating Granville Again at Cheltenham last Sunday , and has plenty in hand at his best .
23 Has nobody in Brussels noticed ?
24 Has she in fact any concept of God at all , or simply a ‘ transcendent life principle ’ ? 27 What is that other than simply a human conception ?
25 It will , I know , be a tough decision for you to make , Les , because it is common knowledge that Terry has you in his back pocket , but he is the weak link in the team this year .
26 In the spectrum of contemporary theory , Marxist symptomatic reading has something in common with the deconstructive reading which discovers in the end , not harmony and organic unity , but contradiction and aporia .
27 ‘ Literary sensibility ’ is easier to recognize than to define , but it is analogous to having an unusually good ear for music , and has something in common with the creative faculty , even when the critic who possesses it is not an imaginative writer .
28 In that sense he has something in common with Mrs Thatcher .
29 He has worked hard on it , and perhaps he is at his most content when he has something in his game on which to work .
30 Cynthio has something in common with Strephon in ‘ The Mistaken Lover ’ .
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