Example sentences of "have [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You see they 've nothing to be frightened of any more .
2 ( Hartman has shown that the average person has one or less nightmares a year ; and only one person in 500 has them on a weekly basis . )
3 That 's what has them on the run although , in the end , they 'll be forced to give birth .
4 There are many of these power bases and their usefulness depends on whether other people concede that the individual has them as bases for power or not .
5 Hamlet is given soliloquies for reflection , self-criticism , and for resolves to act , some of which are carried out ; Iago has them for self-presentation and for announcements of his actions which — like Richard III in his self-confidence — are first described , then performed , and subsequently commented on .
6 ‘ Or if they 're not there it may be Canon Wheeler has them for safekeeping . ’
7 Goods are in consumer use when a person is using them , or has them for use , other than exclusively for business purposes .
8 Whereas America has visitors with little bodies and big heads , Russia has them with big bodies and little heads .
9 Though my son , that 's my eldest , in the Royal Navy , wrote that he has them in the Pacific . ’
10 ‘ That old Plumpton has them in the baths — an hour , private-like , once a week . ’
11 ‘ They has them in London when it 's Christmas .
12 The grave , on the contrary , has them in the minimal sense of its being merely an emphatic statement of someone 's duties towards it .
14 She has them in the bathroom with her , and she apologizes : ‘ I 've just put fifty pence in the meter to get water for our bath . ’
15 Thorfinn said , ‘ He will either send back a fire-party and advance with the rest while he still has them in order , or he 'll abandon both his carts and his cover and bring them all on to finish us . ’
16 She said er , Derek has them in his garden .
17 The Medau Society has them by the hundred — nay , by the thousand — and they have to be kept in order .
18 Perhaps I 'm too hard on her , but the whole thing has me on edge .
19 I ask him to help this misery who has me under his power .
20 — and she has me in mind for the part of Komarovsky . ’
21 Unfortunately we have lost the delicate balance between these various elements : for instance , our Warrior has nothing worth fighting for and our Wild Man has been suppressed , and that 's why , as a gender we 're all so miserable .
22 Sir Bernard has nothing but contempt for politically embarrassing journalism .
23 But they remain firm friends , and David has nothing but praise for the way his former girlfriend has handled stardom .
24 Sir James McKinnon says he has nothing but admiration for the way in which Mr Morrison bounced back .
25 Back on the ground in Nottinghamshire Philip has nothing but praise for his flying machine .
26 All this has nothing at all to do with money or financial status .
27 At worst we can now doubt for reasons which are purely moral , spiritual or psychological , as in the case of someone who is incurably suspicious , a problem which has nothing at all to do with epistemology .
28 It has nothing at all to do with ‘ being pretty ’ .
29 The neo-pagans say this is nonsense , their religion has nothing at all to do with the devil , because the devil is an invention of the Christians .
30 The man who has nothing at his disposal can not act freely .
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