Example sentences of "a [noun sg] because " in BNC.

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1 But where , as in this case , a party undertakes to make a payment because by so doing it will gain an advantage arising out of the continuing relationship with the promisee the new bargain will not fail for want of consideration .
2 That may be little more than a technicality because Mr Duggan added that Chelsea have submitted outline proposals to Cabra and their advisers which may resolve the outstanding issues .
3 On this occasion , Richard Baxter was again released on a technicality because his ‘ offence ’ was committed in the city , and only a city judge had the authority to sign the warrant .
4 SELECTING jurors is ‘ a lottery within a lottery ’ and can be unfair to the administration of justice , an Old Bailey judge said yesterday , as he fined a man £100 for failing to turn up for jury service on the second day of a trial because it was ‘ not his scene ’ .
5 Productivity usually collapses in the early stages of a recession because firms are slow to lay workers off .
6 ‘ Musicals always do well in a recession because people want escapism , ’ says Patrick O'Connor of the New Grove Dictionary Of Opera .
7 If a case clearly invites you to redesign a kitchen because the existing layout does n't conform to the food hygiene regulations and you miss this , then obviously you should n't get as many marks as someone who has spotted it .
8 Where you have got a function because you can manipulate them so much , and turn them around , and I thought , there must be points along functions , where it is , it goes against the rules ,
9 The Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether potential jurors may be excluded from a case because of their sex .
10 This does not apply where a magistrates ' court declines to hear a case because it could be dealt with more conveniently in another court ( s94(2) ) .
11 In each mess the menu was sufficiently wide to make one dither a bit because there were several options that looked appetising .
12 Uncle used to do a bit because he liked fiddling with machines , and the one we had in the early days was borrowed and not really suitable .
13 But some people were moved to tears , such as nurse Fiona Sexton , 22 , from Hackney : ‘ I cried a bit because it 's so sad .
14 He used to say he could drink quite a bit because he had very low blood pressure .
15 ‘ Although if there are two people at odds you may lose a bit because they are not going to get their ideas together .
16 But anyway , talking about engineering as a whole , quite obviously it 's interesting to go back a bit because I 'm always interested in the way the institutions actually started because er there 's a lovely story about er , the Stephenson brothers and tho , ju , having just come down from Scarborough on a mini-holiday we stopped at York and I went over a great big museum there , and quite obviously seeing the marvellous locomotives you realise that George Stevenson had er , a lot to do with that .
17 This troubled them a bit because they were impatient to learn .
18 I got on top of her and as usual I did n't last very long , which annoyed me a bit because I did n't feel I was getting my money 's worth .
19 It was there a bit because I was hiding something from my mother .
20 S A U profits go up a bit because you get a credit from er
21 B no erm the , the clerical erm staff on the erm , shall we say the traffic side increased a bit because er there was mo more and more demanding work but the ticket office , they went down , erm I have mentioned perhaps before that they had the two box system and there was about eleven , twelve , thirteen girls in there and their duty was to check a box that had been used one day , stock it up with tickets , get it ready for the day after .
22 I like the subject , and I like the composition and so on , but it just loses a bit because of the lack of sharpness so a five for that .
23 President , before I start could you er , please ask erm , at the doors if they could keep quiet a bit because delegates ca n't hear some of the debates .
24 It certainly the community a bit because of them .
25 Erm by a bit because we have now moved , the Monday morning we are going to have the sewing and the people from the Monday morning , we have put onto the the three other days when we make crackers .
26 I 'm sort of jumping around a bit because there was so much going on .
27 Can now , can we actually move on a bit because , that has been very valuable what you said , but in fairness to Mr Maxwell it also has to be said does n't it that up until he stole these assets er this process of throwing organisations , peoples monies into a spin dryer and pulling them out of different sort of sequences was something he regularly did and we 've had witnesses to say how well he did manage the funds and how they grew , whether when they should sell stock and when they should n't sell stock and so on .
28 We w we was partnerships you see well when our place collapsed they carried on just carried on a bit because they were connected with Japan .
29 It irritated me a bit because what it what it was saying
30 I had to have a bit because when I put the blackcurrant in there was n't enough so I had to mix it up with .
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