Example sentences of "a [noun sg] you " in BNC.

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1 There may be occasions when a payment you are expecting is delayed and you suddenly need funds to cover the resultant cash shortage .
2 For instance , to record a payment you 've made , you fill out a cheque onscreen .
3 acid and a base and we get salt and water , try alkali and a base you get salt and water so they 're very similar reaction , the base and the acid and the alkali and the acid .
4 He did n't say anything about ( well-documented ) insults Yeugh directed at the distinguished internationals for no apparent reason — like telling Eddie Gray ‘ if you were a racehorse you 'd have been shot years ago ’ in front of the team — or indeed any of the other eccentric behaviour of the man that got him fired .
5 But you still have to decide whether you want to make a kitchen you can eat in , or an eating place which is also the kitchen .
6 Such as a function you have to attend in your professional capacity ?
7 I mean , if you 've got a function you have n't got that much of bar trade
8 And when you treated it as a function of a function you get that that thing inside there was the function
9 In such a case you are entitled to keep your contractual rights although many new owners will try to renegotiate these .
10 They say that in such a case you search for your mother for the rest of your life .
11 In such a case you 'll commonly dispense with making a copy for your file .
12 Cos it 's having its dinner if you got a case you
13 Buy him a cup of coffee or a beer , and after a bit you say , ‘ Do you love your wife ? ’
14 So one person will do the bandage on the elbow and the other person with the good looking knees , you 'll be the casualty for where you 've got to put the knee bandage on , cos you wo n't , if you do n't roll your trousers up a bit you 're not going to have much bandage to do much bandaging with on the knee , okay , so decide amongst yourselves who 's got the good looking knee
15 it it got away a bit you know and and
16 If you 'd have brought your scale down a bit you would
17 next two years trying to sort of get him to bring himself up a bit you know
18 Okay but you can learn quite a bit you could check any of the food or the drinks that you 've got in the house you could at those to see how you spell them ca n't you .
19 And then when you 're okay when you 've been riding round a bit you take them off .
20 But when you want to heat the bedrooms up you ca n't , unless you only have it on for a bit you know .
21 Cos I 'd lost about half a stone in weight , and I was cut down on chocolate biscuits , and I , what I 'd been doing I was was at my tea , at five o'clock , I was eating another at ten o'clock , I reckon I was overdoing it a bit you know with the I was trying to cut down a lot
22 And er when you 'd got on a bit you delivered the baby but the midwife was there to see you did n't make any mistakes and , and really to t teach you to do it .
23 When they 've cooled down a bit you can put them in your bed , warm it up nice .
24 You know we tend to sort of hover outside lodge meetings a bit you know cos it is all men you know and It 's quite frightening really you know I mean this sort of erm I think the way the finances are worked for instance er .
25 Now sorry Alan I 've got to turn you up a bit you do n't mind do you ?
26 Because there are so many English folk now in every community and we do tend to sort of doctor up the language a bit you know when we talk to them .
27 So that is a possi I was just wondering which one it was cos I say I know some of them are a bit you know
28 He sort of was a bit you got him a bit could n't say .
29 walking keep you fit its a bit you had a hair cut last week if you 'd of left , if you had n't of had it done you could of taken this thing down
30 So er er after a bit you see he changed them round , he , he guessed somebody were and of course I got the job
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