Example sentences of "a [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 In these vast spaces , concepts rather than characters seem to be doing battle , prominent among them a prince who appears to be acting the part of the roistering boy because he feels it is expected of him .
2 And suddenly , he was n't ugly any more , he was a prince who had been bewitched .
3 I never actually experienced the drama of dealing with any lack of moral fibre ( LMF ) cases , although I can imagine the difficulty faced by a CO who is trying to run a squadron in wartime if suddenly he was confronted with a case of LMF .
4 Two forms of injection were arranged by a statistician who was not involved in the study .
5 All they had in common , to begin with , was this terrible need : Rich for a mentor who would make him grow , Philip for a pupil who would take on the weight of unspent devotion .
6 Professor Vo Quy is greeted warmly not only in his native village but also in every corner of Vietnam , where he is hailed as the architect of Vietnam 's regreening programme and a mentor who has inspired thousands of students , colleagues and high government representatives to become conservationists .
7 Will the right hon. Gentleman take on board the idea of giving the Prime Minister a mentor who could sit by his side for these last two days to help him out ?
8 A clinician who has written extensively on this topic is Anthony , who has also discussed the implied association between psychosis and creativity .
9 He was a reductionist who believed that all the relationships he investigated could be explained in materialistic terms .
10 When she saw her gesture performed by a sister who had been admiring and imitating her from earliest childhood , she felt a certain unease : the adult gesture did not fit an eleven-year-old child .
11 I am neither very old nor at all senile , Isabel Lavender thought , but I do have a sister who is selfish and easily led , and in this world , none of us are safe from the navy-blue ambulance .
12 And , if she has a sister who is going out of her mind , I have had a mother eighty-nine years old and senile , I can not be said to deserve any further burdens nor to have failed in carrying out my duty .
13 Though , as he himself realised , with a hypochondriacal mother , a sister who committed suicide , an uncle who lived ‘ like King Ludwig II of Bavaria ’ and a paranoid cousin who died in an asylum , perhaps that was not surprising .
14 Babies are conceived for a variety of reasons apart from basic urges — some over a wayward partner who shows signs of straying from the fold ; in competition with a sister who has recently conceived or in determination to produce the first grandchild .
15 ‘ Well , it was something like a castle , and he 'ad tons of servants and a butler as well , and a sister who was secretly a witch and tried to make the poor girl worship Satan , but — ’
16 yes , erm my wife came from the Midlands , from Coventry and her family roots were in Coventry at the Midlands , in fact there she still has numerous nieces and nephews and great nephews and great nieces there to this day , my with the exception of a sister who moved , who , to Basildon , erm I have two brothers and er they still live in London , still live in East Ham , er the distance is not too great erm and , but obviously as we get older the amount of visiting we do will be constricted by the difficulties of getting from Harlow to East Ham especially when one is compelled to stop driving a motor car
17 His security had been in a family that was to lose its roots , and in a sister who was to lose her life .
18 If you 've got a sister who 's a Rainbow , she may want to read it first .
19 So , if you 've got a sister who 's a Rainbow Guide , do n't forget to tell her about this super section — after all it is especially for her , although you might find it useful too !
20 She had a sister who was much more understanding .
21 Of his siblings , only two attained maturity , a brother Christopher who became a lawyer , and a sister who married the elder brother of William Strode ( died 1645 , q.v . ) .
22 ‘ I almost begin to believe you did n't know about Berenice , but I still do n't believe in a sister who does n't exist , ’ he said slowly .
23 ‘ Oh , he 'll get over that , ’ Terry said with the confidence of a sister who did n't know her brother as well as she thought she did .
24 I have a sister who 's very rich .
25 Her sister Clare , eighteen months her junior , described her as quote , a sister who seemed to be able do everything , she had a never ending social life , I was amazed how she managed to fit everything in unquote .
26 ‘ Oh , I knew you had a sister who was disabled , but … ’
27 erm a sister who sends out wonderful letters and they 've been published , and my husband he calls , you know , whenever he can .
28 BSAC medical officer Dr Peter Wilmhurst , of St Thomas ' Hospital , London , says : ‘ Divers are entitled to treatment under the NHS Act in the same way as a skater who breaks a leg on the ice or a rider who breaks his back falling off a horse .
29 Jail chiefs have been told a prisoner snatched the keys from a warder who fell asleep on duty .
30 You may meet a saddler who is the sixth generation of his family to carry on making bell harnesses .
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