Example sentences of "a [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 After two rides in company we went out on our own , on a route he had already covered with Paddy .
2 It 's a route he has just retraced for the character of Fergus , the IRA man who attempts to re-make his life in The Crying Game ] , an experience Jordan understands well .
3 Davenant himself called The Siege ‘ a Representation by the art of Prospective in Scenes , And the Story sung in Recitative Musick ’ , a variety he describes as ‘ unpractis 'd here ; though of great reputation amongst other Nations ’ .
4 Her mistress having died , she adopted us , not we her , about 5 weeks ago , and though our old cat finds her a bit of a trial he does seem somewhat rejuvenated by her presence .
5 As a hunter he will die in the forest to become a warrior ; as a warrior he will die in battle , and be resurrected to become a sage .
6 He knew exactly where he wished to slot his explosive , and how long a fuse he needed to give it .
7 If one of his deans or canons had written it in a Meditation he would have read it out to Bob in a mock-clerical voice , and deleted it , snarling .
8 In the course of his review of the authorities , Walton J. made extensive citations from Baynton v. Morgan , 22 Q.B.D. 74 a case he described , 269 E.G. 41 , 45 , as ‘ completely decisive of the present case , ’ and also cited the passage from the judgment of Younger L.J .
9 In such a case he would be bound to take the woman as he found her , if sued by her , and her pregnancy would be just as much a a physical condition in his victim as would be the case of a person having an eggshell skull .
10 Sir James was reported as having called for a return of capital punishment , launched an attack on the parole system , favoured the abolition of the right to silence for accused persons , referred to a black person as a ‘ nig-nog ’ , and made a remark about ‘ murderous Sikhs ’ involved in a case he was hearing at the time .
11 When he was starting on a case he used his car as little as possible .
12 Although he was no stranger to the town , now that he was on a case he was seeing it with new eyes .
13 He poured it from a Victorian coffee pot waiting on a hotplate and launched into a description of a case he 'd just won punctuated by blasts of laughter and big gestures .
14 After a bit he said , ‘ I think we 've located the cause of your trouble .
15 Royal , who looks like a bit he 's been carved out of rock , warned of what will happen if we follow in the wake of what 's been going on in the States .
16 I saw him take a look at the boat-house first , then , when I suppose he saw you were n't home , he went up towards the house , and after a bit he came back with a bag , you know , like Santa Claus , slung over his shoulder .
17 He dumped it down behind the boat-house and went back towards the house , then after a bit he came down again with a picture , and dumped that , then he took the bag and made off up the path with it . ’
18 After a bit he got a job in a brick works and picked up £80 a week on day shift and £100 on night shift .
19 ( After a bit he said , they had their silly jokes . )
20 Brand told me that they 'd been friendly from way back and when I leaned on him a bit he admitted that they 'd had a thing going but it had been broken off two or three years ago . ’
21 But mind you he 's a bit he 's a bit silly , looking back at myself er er three year , or was it two year back , or one ?
22 And he felt them and he said they are a bit he said .
23 Erm we did n't play cards he was a bit he was okay but he was obviously he 's finding it hard at times .
24 Their change of mind came after the president 's aides had said that if denied a referendum he would carry out a non-binding plebiscite anyway to settle the power struggle that has paralysed his reform programme .
25 Nurses living opposite said Roberts shouted to them he had served 10 months ' jail for a burglary he did not commit .
26 I infer from that that if my views are modified in a direction he approves of , I might stay .
27 Lee ( ’ if he was a footballer he 'd be worth millions ’ says Watkins ) skates in Italy next month with club members and British dance champions David Samson and Adele Warner .
28 But that was just a hope he 'd been tossing at me for a couple of years without any interest from me .
29 With a stick he flicks paint on to it from a can .
30 When there was nothing but ash he could crumble with a stick he went back up to his room .
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