Example sentences of "a [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 STEVE McMAHON is having a bawl as he reminds the Manchester City youngsters that they are not a Route One team .
2 Because such religious orders are themselves controlled from Rome , Roman discipline is conveyed via a route other than by the bishops .
3 During his cross examination on Wednesday Lord Silsoe reminded the hearing that the inspectors were at liberty to recommend a route other than the five put forward by the NGC .
4 Some sustained underwater excavation by Crossley and Yeadon , opened a route passable with big tanks , enabling exploration beyond .
5 When they assured him the deposits were in order , he assumed it was a payment due from a former employer .
6 Any grant of papal support or protection , as Alexander II 's support of William the Conqueror 's invasion of England in 1066 , was likely to lead to a request for a quid pro quo or a reminder of a payment due .
7 This period applies regardless of any direction contained in the will to make a payment earlier .
8 ‘ As an indication of continuing trading improvement , if current trends are maintained , it is the intention of the board to resume dividends with a payment next June , ’ the company said .
9 Lady Agatha , very chic in a cambric high gown and lace cap , was firm as she fixed her nephew with an unwavering stare .
10 The dynamics of different transducing mechanisms have been compared in NIH 3T3 cells , which carry both a G protein-linked receptor ( bradykinin ) and a tyrosine kinase-linked receptor ( PDGF ) .
11 Arguments against a role for a G protein-linked mechanism for generating InsP 3 have come from experiments in which phorbol esters failed to block fertilization but could inhibit the events activated by injecting GTP- γ S into hamster eggs .
12 But you sorry a G two ?
13 That 's what I used on Rocket 's tummy , when he done , got that had a G two cortezone bathed him with Savlon
14 You 've got the notes a b c d e f sharp g sharp a coming down a g sharp f sharp , well it 's not the bloody minor scale then is it ?
15 It 'd be a G flat .
16 However , a good deal of tension is created at this point , with the bass playing the expected D while the accompanying chords are first a G major , then an Amin7 , finally releasing this tension by coming together on the sustained D major , which leads positively into the beginning of the next verse , a G major .
17 However , a good deal of tension is created at this point , with the bass playing the expected D while the accompanying chords are first a G major , then an Amin7 , finally releasing this tension by coming together on the sustained D major , which leads positively into the beginning of the next verse , a G major .
18 Example 2 is a typical Hendrix-style fill which sets up either a G major chord ( as in the example ) or an E minor chord .
19 ‘ Of course , there 's a way you can work around playing a minor blues in a major tuning — in open G , for instance , you just play the top three strings at the third fret and that gives you a B flat major chord that you can use as a G minor — but it still felt pretty limiting .
20 I do notice one or two places , though , where Ciccolini departs form the Durand text — e.g. he plays the fourth and sixth quarte of the study in fourths as E and A instead of G and C , and the second quaver in bar 10 of the final ‘ chords ’ study is a G minor chord where G major is printed ( though we get G major in the reprise at 4′18″ ) .
21 The upset of the moment is aptly translated in the music by a sudden shift to A minor , leading through various keys to a final cadence on a G minor chord , which is also the tonic of the final movement , an ariette containing a moral that recaptures the nostalgia of the opening movements : ‘ Love like a beautiful dream fades when youth is past ’ .
22 If we followed the rules er the M R C rules strictly one of the lower risk group of patients was a G three P T one tumour and that patient er progressed and in fact all the patients who progressed , all the four out of the hundred and fifty nine patients who progressed erm from the total group had either G two or G three P T one tumours at diagnosis , and I think there 's a very strong case for making these a totally separate group of patients erm for follow up .
23 Right and a a G three P T A ?
24 Two completely trivial points must be mentioned as they may bring readers up with a start : in the first movement of the Sibelius symphony at 3′17″ ( bar 40 ) , the third trombone plays E sharp instead of E natural , and in the first movement of the Shostakovich ( track 7 , 7′19″ , six bars after fig. 16 ) the bassoon plays a G natural instead of a flat .
25 As a prince keen to make his mark on the political stage of Merovingian Gaul , Chramn was a dangerous figure .
26 You should have shown your readers that there is n't a Prince Charming , so they wo n't feel disappointed and cheated if their prince turns into a frog , like mine did .
27 The output from a conventional laser is generated by stimulated emission , whereby the optical wave within the laser cavity is amplified by traversing the gain medium — eg the gas mixture in a CO 2 laser .
28 I have a Dennerie substrate heater cable system , and a CO 2 injection unit .
29 Therefore , anaerobic sampling which is a necessity in serum because of the possible CO 2 loss from the sample is not as crucial for the measurements of gall bladder bile because of the small effect on Ca 2 + activity with a CO 2 loss from the sample where pH changes only minimal .
30 When it did so , it was commonly in the guise of Siberian spinach jade , a variety deep green in colour , flecked with black .
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