Example sentences of "of people [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The pattern of people espousing public values of kindness and decency , but voting in national governments of the right which eschew political ideals , is well-established in both Japan and the US , the former having a very weak socialist party , the latter having no socialist party at all .
2 If you have yet to record a scene which will end the tape in a suitable way — maybe a farewell wide shot of the whole park , or of people beginning to pack up and go home — now is the time to do it before the battery goes completely and the camcorder switches itself off .
3 She came stumbling back into the dining car followed by a commotion of people yelling behind her .
4 The side-effect of enhanced choice is thus to diminish the number of people sharing the same broadcasting experience — splitting radio listeners between fans of Simon Mayo or Chris Tarrant , and TV viewers between Sky Movie subscribers and ITV/BBC1 devotees .
5 The existence of competition between organized groups of people sharing interests , and their peaceful mediation by neutral governments , has been the central argument of those who analyse liberal democracies in terms of the pluralist model .
6 It was n't just going to be papers , it could be health clinics , bookshops , making a network of people sharing lifestyles and indeed an economic base .
7 Here , truly , is a place to sense freedom , to be away from the crowds and the pressures of the world , to wander for miles seeing only a handful of people enjoying the same leisurely activity , or maybe no-one at all .
8 The atmosphere was one of people enjoying themselves in their own way and allowing everyone else to do so too .
9 Journalists wore the amused smiles of people enjoying a good argument which did not threaten them personally .
10 They had spent Hogmanay at home , welcoming the groups of people roaming the village as they came round .
11 The shops were mostly dreary Woolworth-type places , and they were all shut , but there was a surprising number of people wandering around , as if this were some kind of marvellous place to take an evening stroll .
12 Darlington council should do something as quickly as possible to have repairs done to the perimeter fencing , they would be surprised at the number of people wandering through the park at night , plus the vandalism which is caused by certain people whose sole object is to thieve and destroy .
13 In general terms , any group of people wishing to carry on business under English law has to make a choice between three distinct legal forms of organisation , the company , the partnership and a hybrid known as the limited partnership .
14 The fact that it is very difficult to do does n't prevent a lot of people wishing to achieve it , but it is very seldom that , in the industrial world , anybody has achieved and held continuously a pre-eminent position over a very long period of time .
15 The Midland Bank 's small business and branch managers have been issued with a business information guide to help them better understand the needs of people wishing to set up a bookshop or specialist comic shop .
16 While the number of people drawing such assistance grew steadily during the post-war period , the size of this group has exploded since 1979 .
17 But Neill said : ‘ We are not moving because of people pestering us .
18 You see I mean er er and this generally , I mean ju just as when Stalin claimed to be communist , that claim has been accepted by the great majority of people writing about what was happening in Russia in the West and in just the same way the Chinese leadership er after nineteen forty nine claimed to be communist , claimed to be standing in the tradition of Marx and that claim , generally speaking , has been accepted .
19 Even the washing hanging from the tenement windows seemed to be fluttering a welcome as we all struggled to our feet , pushing and shoving , as we attempted to get our packs on our backs , at the same time trying to get a clear view of the platform and the hundreds of people watching the train pull in .
20 Already there were a couple of people watching , Kevin Simpson 's mother and an old man whose name Stephen did n't know , hungry for excitement on an empty April Saturday .
21 And now there 's also been a drop in the number of people watching , so the advertisers are n't too happy either . ’
22 ‘ He 'll entertain a whole load of people watching while we 're out on location but he can turn it on and off like a light — the cameras roll and he 's totally into Grant Mitchell .
23 [ And I had thousands of people watching ! ]
24 ‘ When you play live , ’ opines the maestro , ‘ there are thousands of people screaming for more , paying good money to watch you perform .
25 It is a completely unfounded fear , but even if there were the odd few cases of people refusing to rent out a room in their home because , in their ignorance , they felt that , as landlords , they would be penalised , are we seriously to argue that we should deny the discount to the other 7 million people ?
26 Well I 'm , yeah , ern I wondered about sort of Executive Committee and er , I know you 're not very keen on that idea and it , it does tend to remove information from the ordinary members , if , if , you have a small group of people dealing with the business and , a , a separate lead .
27 The police say the majority of people dealing in ecstasy are smart , entrepreneurial types selling to young naive people and they 're charging massive prices for what may be ecstasy , but could be something far more dangerous .
28 ‘ Dow Corning , for example , has a very sophisticated system which allows a large number of people dealing with suppliers — QA people , accounts payable , receiving , planning and purchasing — to input .
29 The number of people repeating hard routes ( F8a or harder ) is alarming .
30 Before we went on air , the number of people disagreeing that RBS had high rates of interest for savings was higher than the number agreeing .
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