Example sentences of "of what would " in BNC.

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1 Once you have some ideas of what would suit you , you will need help to take these ideas forward .
2 ‘ I could n't bear to think of the future , of what would happen to her when we got old , if we got ill , when we died , or worse — whether she would only live a few years , ’ she says .
3 We saw evidence of what would later promise to be a riot of butterflies with entire bushes covered by baby caterpillars and chrysalises .
4 A concern to return to such primitive roots no doubt explains why in his draft synopsis he originally used the word ‘ Melocomic ’ of what would later become his ‘ Fragments of an Aristophanic Melodrama ’ .
5 As editor of the Criterion , Eliot at this period often used anthropological material , himself selecting books for review and reading every word of what would appear in print .
6 It is around this time that the demand for films began to increase substantially and producers built larger studios to produce pictures that , while longer than before , were still some way short of what would become established feature length .
7 Peter Watkins made his first feature , Privilege ( 1967 ) , for an American company , after his astonishing depiction of what would happen if a nuclear bomb fell on Kent , The War Game ( 1965 ) , had been banned by the BBC .
8 His first public comment was to say dismissively that it fell ‘ well short of what would be required …
9 Eventually , just before 2 p.m. , a small delegation arrived at the Elephant and Castle seeking clarification of what would be on offer .
10 Khrushchev , who had not read it , was no great judge of what would live ; nor did he have any artistic education .
11 More than any other single individual , he created the ecclesiastical framework of what would become Germany .
12 I was well aware of what would happen and I just have to accept it . ’
13 ‘ Two days ago we got a dire warning of what would happen under Labour .
14 They are dismayed at the prospect of what would be one of the most highly leveraged tax-grabs in the West , gaining the gainers very little , but losing the losers much .
15 Only the historic fact that he gave the Irish capital the first public performance of what would become the most popular of all oratorios .
16 a new general classification scheme for all waters , which would incorporate standard key chemical tests used in previous water quality surveys together with , for rivers , a new biological measurement based on the extent to which the presence of invertebrates in a water body falls short of what would be expected in a clean or unpolluted system .
17 While we were waiting at about 10.30 p.m. to go on night shift , we were subjected to a certain amount of what would now be called ‘ sexual harassment ’ , which we learned to parry quite neatly ; but the arrangement did seem a little thoughtless on the part of the B.P. Transport Department .
18 This was the question of what would happen to the material left over when the uranium rods had finished producing their electricity , when the exciting part of the process was over .
19 This was the thorny question of what would happen eventually to the reactor 's residue of radioactive waste .
20 We took Fujichrome , shot it at 5000 ASA and developed it at about 6400 ASA , we just pushed the shit out of it and we had no idea of what would happen . ’
21 The chair had spun out of the central track along the ridge and was now skewed at the precipitous edge of what would be a steep and stony career .
22 They were beginning to lay down a sound that would later become synonymous with The Wedding Present , but it missed the energy of what would come later .
23 The value of having a clear idea of what would be a realistic settlement and the fall back position can hardly be overemphasized .
24 ‘ Sometimes , ’ he went on in a low voice , ‘ I lie awake at night thinking of what would happen to this place if you should die without issue . ’
25 He shifted restlessly on the bed , thinking of what would happen if he should die without issue .
26 There is no surviving record that Vial , or indeed anyone concerned , had made a detailed study of what would be needed to establish a College with adequate ensured finance , premises and staff , nor is there any indication that his interest extended beyond the horse , to include other domesticated animals .
27 For Papert , the first months of the centre gave the idea of what would be feasible if genuine international cooperation between scientists were encouraged .
28 In fact the closed traps were less turgid than open ones — the opposite of what would be expected if changes in turgor pressure springs the trap .
29 The 12 deaths observed in the 15–24 age group is 210 per cent of what would be expected .
30 Since this policy was never implemented , the question of what would have happened if the resources for new hostels had not been forthcoming remains hypothetical .
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