Example sentences of "of a more " in BNC.

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1 Quite often the divisional boundaries in the amalgamated force mirror the old , small force boundaries and men define themselves in relation to their early experience with perhaps an inner city ethic , a large-town police style , or in the framework of a more rural situation .
2 However , those of a more robust spirit will thrust directly into the opponent 's attack , staking all on a combination block and counter .
3 He was of a more literary bent , and wrote a biography of King Louis , as well as a book on ethics and business titled Put Money In My Purse ) .
4 Moreover , Dudek 's scholarship was of a more penetrating kind than anything under which Leonard had yet sat , or was to sit , as became that of a Doctor of Letters from Columbia University .
5 The trade here is of a more usual nature with the pubs open to 11 at night .
6 Acknowledging the apparent opposition between these two terms , he goes on to argue , and to show from historical evidence , that throughout the nineteenth century , and into the early twentieth , much of the central function of criticism was carried by literary and cultural journalism , most of it , admittedly , of a more spacious and literate order than is common today .
7 He personified the pre-war amateur at his peak , a kindly engaging man who was well placed to have been a major influence in the game had he been of a more forceful character .
8 We call it ‘ thirst ’ in lieu of a more accurate description .
9 And , given the men 's views of gender roles , being female actually facilitated and encouraged the introduction of certain topics , especially topics of a more emotional kind to do with stress , death , the terrorist threat and its effect on the family , and so on , which are particularly pertinent in Northern Ireland 's police force .
10 Trial — which will involve purchase , accepting a free gift , or in the case of a more expensive product , a demonstration to test the evaluation of it
11 The inculcation of political orthodoxy and instruction of a more coercive nature was left strictly in the hands of the Party .
12 The more remote the locality from the main network of political and other communications , the more likelihood there was of unorthodox behaviour , whether of a passive kind , as in the recesses of the gubernii of Smolensk or Kursk , or of a more menacing nature , as with the Tambov and Siberian peasant revolts .
13 But just as the loss of self is the precondition for the discovery of a more ‘ real ’ because unconflicted , unrepressed self , so the precondition for pastoral sublimity is the loss of history , and once again the landscape which crystallizes desire , in such remarkable images , is also effaced by it :
14 Mrs Thatcher also believed that the publicly owned industries were inefficient and an obstacle to the creation of a more dynamic and adaptive economy .
15 Within the Conservative party , particularly among local activists and MPs , there had long been numerous critics of the nationalized industries and advocates of a more market-orientated economy .
16 Reducing the size of the public sector and number of regulations that hampered business would create the opportunity for the emergence of a more market-orientated economy .
17 The advocates of a more rapid rundown were hampered by the domination of the debate by manpower figures , which led the issue away from the balance of payments .
18 It is here that Coetzee 's work suffers from the lack of a more ambitious comparative framework , Coetzee 's work on the Conservative leagues is similar to Geoffrey Eley 's analysis of the German ‘ radical right ’ before 1914 .
19 If we talked of society in these terms , Marx argued , we could never appreciate that the phenomena to which the terms referred were themselves only the product of a more fundamental social process .
20 Neither could the evolutions of these institutions in themselves explain anything , since , in the perspective outlined above , these were mere side effects of a more fundamental order .
21 For fairly obvious reasons , mostly no doubt connected with the spectre of Zhdanov and Socialist Realism ( but also I suspect because of a more subterranean philosophical linkage between Callinicos ' endorsement of Althusser 's ‘ complex totality ’ against Lukács ' ‘ expressive totality ’ and the political voluntarism which it informed in the early twenties ) , Callinicos has to answer : No .
22 Front-end bite and turn-in are very good , and grip is excellent , but the adjustable cornering balance of the previous 3-series has been lost in pursuit of a more stable , secure chassis .
23 Boxing , or football for that matter , was stili pretty rough and the crowds could be crude and rowdy , but the overall impression was of a more orderly world .
24 The encouragement of a more enlightened attitude in would-be converters of barns is crucial to the welfare of the architectural heritage of the countryside because the number of old barns converted to date may represent only the tip of the iceberg .
25 However , the protection of hay , straw or even unthreshed corn was more simply achieved by the erection of a more modest and inexpensive building than the traditional flail-threshing barn .
26 Although the building was largely complete by 1893 , the bell turret at the north-east corner was added in 1904 and is of a more conspicuously ‘ Arts and Crafts Movement ’ style than the body of the church ( Plate 18 ) .
27 As far back as 1925 , he had dreamed of a complete history of the love allegory from Ovid to Spenser , and by 1928 two chapters of a more modest scheme , starting with the Provençal troubadours , were finished .
28 What these filmmakers miss is the level of emotional intensity that both the realist filmmakers , whom the critics approved of , and those of a more melodramatic or fantastic disposition , whom they did n't , seem able to conjure , for almost the first time , in the films they produced during the war .
29 Today , though , we were aiming to avoid that rock'n'roll gear in favour of a more relaxed , off-duty style .
30 But were it not for the perceived economic might of a more unified Economic Community , the dozen or so nations of the Pacific Rim , who have been meeting in Australia , might not have bothered .
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