Example sentences of "of woman [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe it will bring about the brotherhood of man and the sisterhood of woman sooner than anything else .
2 Hattie was not the kind of woman ever to be troubled by demons .
3 She pictures the relationship between Katherine , the brash and rather unlikely features editor of Woman Now magazine ( do these people really stand around in camisoles dictating gory details about gynaecological examination over radio-phones ? ) and a Russian exile , Slava .
4 A group of woman so poor they are forced to scavenge coal dust from the sea are looking to Oxfam to help them to create a better life .
5 A lot of women here have said it 's up to women , it 's up to mothers
6 The feminist psychology of women also tends to put all aspects of women 's experience on the same level .
7 Much of this work is already in hand , aided by advances made in the organisation of women outside and inside the sociology profession .
8 Others have suggested that the deliberate limitation of family size was one of the principal contributions of middle-class women to the modernisation process of women generally .
9 It was taken for granted that the introduction of women generally to any trade carried the risk of lowering wages ; basically because as we have seen , the wages paid for " women 's work " were so low .
10 Yet another avenue of explanation might develop from a comparison of certain properties of the language of care-takers of young children ( who are usually women ) with the language of women generally ( Snow and Ferguson 1979 ; J. Milroy 1985 ) .
11 Among women under 65 who were caring for more than twenty hours a week , only 40 per cent were employed , compared with 62 per cent of women generally ( Green , 1988 ) .
12 The social taboo placed on discussion of birth control and sexuality , and the acceptance by a majority of middle class women of the idea that they lacked sexual drives — what Judith Walkowitz has called the doctrine of passionlessness — meant that little information was likely to come within the purview of women generally .
13 The latter is indicated by an analysis of data from 27 developing countries which showed that there are significant differences among populations as to the proportion of women already infecund in the early childbearing ages of 20–24 years , when fecundity and , usually , fertility too , are at their peak .
14 Isolation is seen from the outside as a result of women not speaking English , or of their being forced to stay at home for cultural reasons .
15 That is , the sexual conduct of women not present at the trial is dragged into the media 's version of the event , the better to titillate the reader .
16 only in rare circumstances is the social position of women not determined by that of the men to whom they are attached by marriage or family of origin .
17 They were all agreed that the provision of family allowances would enhance the status of women not only as mothers but as workers because ‘ it would strike at one of the main popular objections to ‘ equal pay for equal work ’ , i.e. the plea that a man requires a family wage whereas a woman requires only an individual subsistence wage ’ ( NUSEC , 1920 , p. 3 ) .
18 The household formation pattern of women over 80 is quite different from that of all elderly persons .
19 The household formation pattern of women over 80 is quite different from that of all elderly persons as Figure 6 illustrates .
20 Department of Health guidelines , however , exclude screening or regular follow-up of women over 65 , and none of the 94 per cent of District Health Authorities with a recall system includes women of this age .
21 As nearly 50 per cent of women over 65 live alone , compared with only 16 per cent of men , it is a possibility which has to be prepared for .
22 As many as 40 per cent of women over 65 suffer fractures that are caused by osteoporosis .
23 Some women and men never marry , or are no longer married , being widowed or divorced ; 80 per cent of women over 75 and 39 per cent of men at the same age are on their own .
24 In 1972 , 41% of women over 16 were daily cigarette smokers ( a figure that had been fairly constant since the 1950s ) whilst in 1986 that figure was 31% , compared with 52% and 35% for men [ 1 ] : this has given rise to the assumption that women find it more difficult to give up smoking than men .
25 Only 25 per cent of women over 80 who have no surviving spouse live with other members of their family .
26 Only 26 per cent of women over 65 had income from their own or a survivor 's pension , as compared with 62 per cent of men .
27 But all the messages that the parliaments of women busily exchanged among themselves stuck at one figure whom their spate of stories , their laughter and malice , could n't break down or wash away , a special kind of other woman , a figure so pitiful and so ludicrous that even jokes could n't make her situation spicy , and yet she outnumbered all others , because so many men had gone away alone , to America , both North and South .
28 Part-time work seems to be a prerogative of women presumably as a consequence of their central role in the home .
29 This is due to a variety of circumstances ranging from accessibility and remoteness of locations and their suitability for women to local legislation in some countries which prohibits the employment of women either completely or in certain types of jobs .
30 The latter was exceptional in many ways because of its large-scale employment of women rather than men in the jute mills .
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