Example sentences of "of [indef pn] that " in BNC.

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1 And of course I had to admit in front of everyone that I did n't .
2 It has been exploited to a degree by all human beings to hurt and control each other , and has affected the lives of everyone that has ever lived .
3 Beth enriched the lives of everyone that she met , always showing concern for others , never complaining , always smiling , living life to the full .
4 Thus what we gain is Something , yet it is by virtue of Nothing that this can be put to use .
5 ‘ I can think of nothing that I would like less . ’
6 These considerations explain why to say of someone that he is entitled to have authority means that he should be in a position of real power and then he will have legitimate authority .
7 Of course we may say of someone that he is imaginative if he is original and spontaneous , and if his work is expressive .
8 so I 'll have to think of someone that may need , need help in
9 Actually that 's a that haircut reminds me of somebody that 's on the telly .
10 The lectern at the Guildhall is a classic example of one that looks beautiful but is too small and fragile to use .
11 I stopped in a little restaurant and ordered a hot dog by pointing at a picture of one that hung over the greasy counter .
12 And if you just happen to think of one that is n't here — just tell Jimmy and I 'm sure he 'll accommodate you .
13 If you prefer one day 's menu to another , make a note of this and return to it in place of one that does n't take your fancy .
15 What then is this second economy which has grown so massively in the shadow of one that the state has planned and controlled for decades ?
16 Because of the large amount of information to be displayed in an adequate route map , there is no hope of one that is not complex .
17 The simple message is that traps are easy to create even when the object is to ameliorate the effects of one that already exists .
18 As Mr. Todd was expatiating upon windows I stepped over the very low sill of one that was open .
19 What if somebody erm , erm thinks of one that somebody else has thought of
20 Erm erm I wan na think of one that is n't too easy .
21 And that is copied from a picture of one that survives .
22 The sixteen and a half foot long great white shark matched the description of one that killed diver John Ford on Wednesday off the resort town of Byron
23 Get rid of one that you do n't want , do n't forget there 's two As in maniacs
24 Erm er but that er is a model of one that I made .
25 Concentration has nothing to do with gritting your teeth and braving it out ; it 's the secret of being more and more relaxed and aware of everything that is going on at the same time .
26 Disordered hair is constantly used to reflect social chaos by the police and is a prime signifier of everything that is offensive to the world of ‘ real polising ’ .
27 This last task is possibly the most difficult because the audience must be convinced that the ending chosen is the only possible outcome of everything that has gone before .
28 Sir : A few hours after reading Terry Coleman 's article on the United Nations General Assembly ( 30 September ) , I came across this passage in Trollope 's Barchester Towers , which exactly expressed my feelings , and , I hope , those of many others of your readers : I know no life that must be so delicious as that of a writer for the newspapers … to thunder forth accusations against men in power ; show up the worst side of everything that is produced ; to pick holes in every coat ; to be indignant , sarcastic , jocose , moral , or supercilious ; to damn with faint praise , or crush with open calumny .
29 Hidden in the cost of everything that goes by road in London is a tax imposed by congestion .
30 What was said tongue-in-cheek was received as confirmation of everything that had gone before : the Prince of Wales was seriously out of his tree .
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