Example sentences of "of [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 My first choice of defenders from what we 've got are O'Leary and Fairclough .
2 Smoking has also declined in parallel with a phased ban on advertising and use of taxes from tobacco sales to replace tobacco sponsorship of sports and arts and fund health promotion .
3 On private land , the State made the pomeshchik responsible for the collection of taxes from his serfs and then left him to his own devices .
4 Sponsors of the bill suggested that the cost of the latest extension would be met through the use of $2,200 million left unspent during the last fiscal year and of $500 million from an accelerated collection of taxes from large corporations .
5 The conclusion is self evident — if the Chancellor wants to maintain the real value of excise duties from alcoholic drinks he must switch the burden of taxes from spirits to beers and wines .
6 The United Kingdom is supporting the applications of states from the Commonwealth of Independent States to join the United Nations and the IMF .
7 A DC goes through a variety of states from its creation to final approval as indicated by the list below .
8 A DC goes through a variety of states from its creation to final approval as indicated by the list below .
9 Because a very large part of any president 's time is taken up in the ceremonial , in the ritual , in meeting heads of states from other countries , from opening the equivalents of garden fetes , receiving parties of boy scouts , er and whatever else the Queen and her family do these days .
10 If , however , one shifts the perspective , it can be convincingly argued that a ‘ democratic monarchy ’ with , at its head , an Emperor directly responsible to the people had need of a different set of values from those prevailing at St Petersburg or Vienna .
11 Selznick 's study of the Tennessee Valley Authority and Kaufman 's study of the Forest Ranger in the United States both stress the importance of the transmission of sets of values from dominant members of the organisation to the remainder of the organisation as an important feature of the functioning of the organisation — it establishes control within the organisation and presents sponsors of the organisation in Washington with a clear image of the organisation 's ‘ mission ’ .
12 In one study , the essence of secretions from a female 's armpit were smeared onto the upper lips of other females who , perhaps fortunately , were not told of the origin of the smears .
13 Seafarers who landed there thought they saw a great chain of mountains and heard the roaring of lions from them .
14 Carriers provided more general means of conveying plants and in 1697 the London/Bradford service brought Richard Richardson a box of July-flowers from Robert Uvedale ( 1642–1722 ) .
15 Similarly , the Gracious Speech is an apology for the privatisation process that has taken place , because it has led to the wholesale transfer of monopolies from the public to the private sector without serious competition , or adequate regulation to replace competition where it could not exist .
16 In Wales , even the initial sallies of experts from the Institute of Geological Sciences met with belligerent disruption .
17 In 1971 following recommendations from both the World Health Organization and the International Union against the Venereal Diseases and Treponematoses ( IUVDT ) , a travelling seminar of experts from all over the world was convened to examine the service for sexually transmitted diseases in the United States , the training of the medical personnel and undergraduates , and to suggest ways in which these could be improved .
18 The eco-labelling scheme is voluntary and decentralised with the Commission setting standards through a regulatory committee made up of experts from members states .
19 This collaboration between DEC and ACRI will play a key role in building a competitive high performance computing infrastructure in Europe as reflected in the European Commission 's recent Rubbia Report ’ — the European Commission asked Professor Carlo Rubbia to chair a committee of experts from industry and public research laboratories to assess Europe 's standing with respect to high performance computing and networking .
20 The foundation will benefit from the advice of experts from the Guggenheim Foundation in New York .
21 The matrix approach is best suited for complex projects which require the simultaneous efforts of experts from several disciplines .
22 The practical work of establishing comparability is undertaken by groups of experts from each member state .
23 Requesting the UN Secretary-General to draw up by March 1990 an action plan by UN bodies against drugs with specific goals and timetables , the resolution invited states to consider asking him to appoint a number of experts from both the developed and developing world , in order to enhance the efficiency of the UN in this area .
24 Once it arrives in America , a team of experts from Stoddards will set it up and help to train the new operatives .
25 Today they are asked to think out their own courses in their own way , and to justify their thinking before a visiting panel of experts from the CNAA committee .
26 The constitution of the Fifth Republic was prepared in two committees — one chaired by de Gaulle and including senior ministers and members of de Gaulle 's entourage , the other chaired by the Minister of Justice , Debré , and composed of experts from the Conseil d'Etat .
27 A team of experts from the European Community has concluded that the environment of the Gulf polluted by the war in the region in early 1991 can be saved but will never fully recover .
28 Drawn up with the assistance of experts from eight North Sea countries , An Assessment of Human Hazards to Seabirds in the North Sea , gives an overview of the past and present hazards to North Sea birds , predicts future population trends , and recommends ways of restoring the natural balance of the seabird community .
29 All the crop management methods are set out for growers in a document compiled by JS with the help of experts from all over the world .
30 Human beings are needed for those tasks for a variety of reasons from their highly dexterous manipulative potential through to their ability to accept informal instructions .
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