Example sentences of "of [art] case " in BNC.

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31 A further hearing of the case , to decide the viability of defences raised by Hi-Tech under European free trade laws , was adjourned until the new legal term which starts on January 11 .
32 The underlying idea of the central focus with its grouped dependencies here exactly meets the requirements of the case , and one need not hesitate as to whether the drawing-room or the dining-room carpet should be taken up for dancing … . ’
33 She also had the costs of the case awarded against her — wiping out virtually all of the £334,000-worth of damages won by her in previous court actions against the press .
34 For this reason an interval of six weeks elapses between the decree nisi , which is made upon the hearing of the case , and the decree absolute , which finally dissolves the marriage and enables the parties to marry again , though the court has power to expedite the decree absolute in a suitable case .
35 The legal capacity of corporations differs in some respects from that of individuals , partly from the nature of the case , partly as a consequence of the fact that their personality is an artificial one .
36 We needed to be persuaded of the case and we had gone through the BR figures line by line .
37 You are virtually on your own in defending them , so you had better be convinced of the case before you agree to them .
38 That was one side of the case against SERPS .
39 But this argument will seem less persuasive when we have discussed cases of manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility : where a murder is reduced to manslaughter , the judge has a wide sentencing discretion and may , according to the facts of the case , select a determinate prison sentence , a hospital order , or life imprisonment .
40 Thus , the jury should be instructed that the term ‘ consent ’ covers a whole range of situations from actual desire to reluctant acquiescence , and that the dividing line between real consent and mere submission must be drawn by the jury by applying its knowledge of human nature to the facts of the case .
41 The last comprehensive study by the government of the case for forestry expansion was in 1972 , it says , since when much has changed , in agriculture , in appreciation of the environment and in the understanding of the uses of forests and woodlands .
42 The long hearing of the case before a board of inquiry finally confirmed the ban on the revered ‘ Oppy ’ in June 1954 .
43 perhaps the villagers were too saddened to want reminding of the case ?
44 In a defence of the action which recognized the emotive nature of the case , the Unionist said :
45 You can surely sympathize with this self-protective caution , even if by the nature of the case you can not wholly share it .
46 I have no desire to pass on nasty stories about other people , not even when I know the facts of the case .
47 Witnesses beneath the principals were picked for their ability to present a simple , and therefore televisually satisfying , picture of the case .
48 A neatly printed card , discreetly placed at the hem of the embroidery , told that the contents of the case had been donated by Jurgen Danziger , in 1933 .
49 His admission that Central Office had put a tabloid newspaper in touch with the consultant at the centre of the case was a spectacular own goal .
50 Doubts were also cast on the procedural elements of the case .
51 The details of the sighting on Kefallinia were passed last month to South Yorkshire police , who have been asked to deal with the British end of the case .
52 US attorney Andrew Maloney , in charge of the case , said the sanctions-busting conspiracy involved shipments of weapons from Eastern Europe via America to Iraq .
53 Others say that the outcome of the case confirms that federal prisoner No 41586 was bluffing .
54 At the bottom of the case is Super Conk , the Champion .
55 The silver paper stars pasted over nipples had peeled and slipped to the bottom of the case , leaving the pouting , overdeveloped girls with gluey smudges on their breasts .
56 Each front-line practitioner was asked to trace the development of the case from her or his point of view .
57 Their lordships held that ‘ they had jurisdiction so to do in the exceptional circumstances of the case provided the conditions were specific ’ ( The Times , 24 Oct. , 1974 , p. 10 ) .
58 One evident result of this , whatever others there might be , appears to be that much information about clients and potential clients is shared informally , so that , for example , information could come ‘ straight from the surgery ’ in advance of a more formal notification of the episode which triggered the eventual admission of the case outlined above .
59 Section 13 ( 2 ) of the Act specifically requires the ASW to consider ‘ all the circumstances of the case ’ and these factors were specifically mentioned in the Memorandum ( DHSS , 1983 ) as a guide to ASW assessment .
60 He reminds them of the confidential nature of the case : nobody is to discuss it outside the room .
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