Example sentences of "of [adj] member " in BNC.

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1 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral House of Representatives which consists of 97 members who are popularly elected for up to three years .
2 The march of uniformed members took more than an hour to pass the saluting base .
3 Although the overwhelming majority of the members are amateurs , many professional archaeologists belong to at least one society , and some have a high proportion of professional members .
4 Suggestions that the split was in part a generational conflict were reinforced by figures which indicated that , of the Takeshita faction 's total legislative strength of 109 members , Obuchi was supported by only 19 members in the House of Representatives ( the lower chamber , where members tended to be younger than in the upper chamber ) but by all 42 members in the House of Councillors .
5 But the truly independently-minded MPs are the sort of Conservatives who turned out Neville Chamberlain in 1940 and whose mutterings in the Smoking Room could affect Conservative premiers. and the kind of Labour members with the outside income or the zeal who saw through the European Communities Bill .
6 The minority of Labour members on the committee did not agree with this and issued their own minority report , but the most significant point about the conclusion is that the majority on the committee excluded at the outset the possibility of obtaining the evidence they would need to judge properly whether there was any abuse of power .
7 I congratulate him on his robust stance in defence of British farmers , particularly those producing lamb , in stark contrast to the attitude of Labour Members , who wobble on everything .
8 I do not know what the hon. Gentleman means , but I regret that , as ever — and typically of Labour Members — the hon. Gentleman seems to glory in gloom and despondency in identifying the more negative aspects of things , rather than looking at the positive .
9 Is the Prime Minister aware that , after a little local difficulty in the House , there was a meeting this morning between the Engineering Employers Federation and the northern group of Labour Members , at which one of the representatives of the federation said that the Department of Trade and Industry suffered from inertia ?
10 It is a document about the Labour party 's policy attitudes and it rightly points out that more than half of Labour Members have either recently belonged to or still belong to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament .
11 However , just before the point of order was raised , a group of Labour Members came in and raised , on spurious points of order , allegations against the Secretary of State for Health arising from matters that did not appear in the report .
12 During the past two days we have heard a vast number of contributions and I pay tribute to the common sense and foresight of Labour Members who have not only pointed out the inequalities of the system that is still in being but the pitfalls that we see ahead of us .
13 As I said , at that time the motives of Labour Members were questioned , and the questions remained unanswered .
14 In that regard as in others , we wonder what the policy of Labour Members would be if , heaven forbid , they ever sat on the Government Benches .
15 It is clear from the remarks of Labour Members that they do not like change , even though they have no ideas about what should be done to improve the education system .
16 He will have the support not only of Labour Members but of all Scottish Members who are genuinely concerned about Scottish education and keen to see it debated properly in the House .
17 Those local authorities contain the number of Labour members that serve on them due to the choice of the electorate .
18 Despite the length of one or two of the contributions of Labour Members , I do not think that they matched the significance of other speeches .
19 He had trouble with one phrase , when he referred to the ’ genuine crocodile tears ’ of Labour Members .
20 That will mean an enormous shift in the centre of gravity in Europe towards the north — something that we in Britain should heartily welcome , because on many issues , our approach , or at least , that of Labour Members , has much in common with the countries of northern Europe .
21 That was , and appears still to be , the view of Labour Members ; it is not the view , however , of those who shape policy on the Labour Front Bench .
22 Even more interestingly — this may interest the hon. Member for Huddersfield ( Mr. Sheerman ) , who has resumed shouting — a survey of Labour Members of Parliament done by Access Opinions Ltd. —
23 Access Opinions Ltd. asked a number of Labour Members for their views on taxation and what the Chancellor should do in the Budget .
24 As chair of the London group of Labour Members of Parliament , I should like to consider the difficulties being experienced by other London boroughs .
25 One member , one vote , for the selection of Labour members of parliament , but also increasing the representation of women , now people want to move on from that , they want a
26 Families , clans , states and other collectivities could vie with each other in the riches they were able to consign to the graves of departed members .
27 And I , maybe I 'm , I may be wrong on this , but it does seem to me that it is potentially a step down the road , in the longer term to the development of regional members .
28 I now intend to bring before the House a series of private Member 's Bills .
29 There is a National Assembly of 180 members which meets twice a year .
30 Legislative authority is vested in a bicameral National Congress , comprising the Chamber of Deputies ( consisting of 180 members elected for a five-year term ) and the Senate ( consisting of 60 members elected for a five-year term along with the former Presidents of constitutional governments who have the status of life senators ) .
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