Example sentences of "of [verb] its " in BNC.

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1 In May 200 struck on the Orlov-Vitebsk line on this account , declaring that instead of devoting its energy to extracting gold from the churches , the government should find ways of paying them better .
2 If we conceive of the least pleasant experience which is still a pleasure , then one way of quantifying its intensity would be by characterising the number of times more pleasant a pleasure is at a particular moment than that .
3 CND was accused of using its computer to record the political activities of its 60 000 members , to allocate them to local groups and check on their attendance at meetings .
4 " The Shipping Federation proved utterly incapable of helping its clients , and having dictated conditions for over twenty years , in a single day lost all its power " .
5 insurance company ( est. 1782 ) , the first to adopt the practice of maintaining its own fire brigade .
6 Although Burda talks of maintaining its share of the upper end of the periodicals market this has been interpreted as a delaying tactic , to allow the magazine to bow out gracefully .
7 In the event that it could not locate a world in reasonable proximity which possessed both a breathable atmosphere and acceptable conditions of gravity and temperature , a pod was capable of maintaining its passenger in a state of suspended animation for an almost indefinite period .
8 ‘ A very challenging and exciting time lies ahead for Magnus and I am confident of maintaining its position as the ‘ investors ’ choice .
9 The evidence to the Select Committee suggests that the private sector has not only expanded well in terms of growing numbers and additional services , but of maintaining its assets .
10 Although he was by no means a radical , he felt that the government 's best chance of maintaining its authority was to give more ground — literally — than it was promising to do .
11 After months of pursuing its quarry , it looks like IXI Ltd has finally nailed down the OEM agreement with DEC for its X.desktop manager that has been long in the making .
12 In many cases the more successful a town the less likely is the chance of seeing its early development .
13 In August 1824 Hickman produced a pamphlet entitled A Letter on Suspended Animation , containing experiments showing that it may be safely employed during operations on animals , with a view of ascertaining its probable utility in surgical operations on the Human Subject , addressed to T. A. Knight Esq .
14 The London Borough of Hillingdon reckons that the cost of repairing its homes built on the Bison Wallframe system will cost between £1 and £3 billion .
15 The choice of " Victory Day " for the occasion was the Caudillo 's way of restating his belief in the legitimacy of his regime and of reminding its members of their shared responsibility in its creation and their common interest in its continuation .
16 Much of what we have just talked about may seem far beyond our reach or experience yet , but it comforts us to believe that no exigency of life can ever rob the believer of accepting its transcendence as well as its immanence .
17 It was not until August 1976 that the then Secretary of State declared his intention of accepting its argument for a single , national , validating agency .
18 in the course of that business acquired his interest in the article or substance supplied to the customer as a means of financing its acquisition by the customer from a third person ( ‘ the effective supplier ’ ) ,
19 In selecting only one thread of policy — on the national issue — we are in danger of misconstruing its significance relative to the overall context .
20 They explicitly quoted sections of Article 41 or the 1937 constitution so as to support the view of including its provisions in any new all-Ireland constitution .
21 Fortunately , all the Trace management staff are staying on , and Kaman have a history of encouraging its subsidiary companies to retain their own product identities , so we at Guitarist sincerely hope that one of Britain 's brighter amp companies will be allowed the freedom to continue with the experimental stuff .
22 Rather , many contemporaries were impressed by the growing capacity of some at least of the working class to practice self- and mutual-help and they sought ways of encouraging its further development .
23 When the development was first announced in 1990 , senior Motorola managers spoke of the company 's policy of encouraging its global suppliers to establish local operations alongside its manufacturing plants , and said they hoped that some suppliers might be persuaded to set up in Scotland .
24 However Mr Olsen made it clear that the company had no intention of allowing its stake to fall below 50 per cent .
25 The acquisition of a new Steinway Grand piano by the town stimulated the idea of allowing its use by and for the younger generation .
26 When the camouflage of this praying mantis fails and a killer is closing in , the insect adopts the last-ditch defence strategy of flashing its wings open and rearing up with its front legs spread .
27 A published allegation may be true , but the defendant carries in law the burden of proving its truth , upon evidence admissible in court .
28 Besides these formal structures , each party has extensive methods of contacting its own leaders including deputations to the Prime Minister , casual conversation , the impression conveyed by the ‘ sense of the House ’ and messages relayed by Parliamentary Private Secretaries and by the whips .
29 The animal research establishment would do well to get its own house in order instead of parading its failures before a public that still wants to believe in salvation through medical science .
30 Just as it dislikes the thought of securitising its mortgage assets — ‘ why give away margin ? ’ asks Jon Foulds , its chairman since 1990 — so it also knows that underwriting the insurance it sells would eventually be more profitable than taking commissions from Standard Life .
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