Example sentences of "of [verb] what " in BNC.

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1 I have always been desirous of devoting what little capability and energy I may possess to the country which I love most dearly . ’
2 While most eighteenth-century beaux were obviously not disposed to live within their income and affected a bland indifference to the need to manage their personal finances , the tradesmen , the creditors on whose forbearance their insouciance depended , were campaigning against any legislation which seemed to reduce any further the chances of recovering what was owed them .
3 If Mr Rich found that way of recovering what he had lent Mr Dunn in good faith unpalatable , he could apply to the county court for an ‘ Attachment of Earnings Order ’ instructing Dunn 's employer to make weekly or monthly deductions from his earnings .
4 It 's just a question of realising what is in your head , because I find I can usually hear roughly what I 'm trying to get to .
5 She must get into the habit of using what she had , loaves instead of chocolate , herself instead of other people .
6 considers ways of using what is known to achieve the objective .
7 He seemed greatly recovered , and resigned to the idea of using what the church so obligingly had offered .
8 The court gave effect to this clause , stating that the parties should have considered the potential difficulties of using what the court called " a single alternative dispute resolution process " for all disputes under the contract before making their contract .
9 And finally Mr chairman on this point , we did in fact do some checking to see the sense of using what the county planning committee had recommended to the H er Highways and Transport Committee that they should regard the six five eight , A five nine one as the correct link to the A one .
10 But as the priest stood at his study window , fingers joined in thanksgiving to the night sky for his release from the bitter-sweet torture of reliving what was dead and gone , his mind quailed before his new dilemma .
11 And one of the main advantages of these very compressed and arduous courses is that they give students approaching drama school entry an opportunity of seeing what will be required of them should they gain a place at drama school .
12 Undoubtedly one of the best ways the overseas student has of seeing what is required in British theatre training is to apply for one of the summer schools offered by the drama schools , and find out what it 's all about before committing him- or herself to a long and expensive stay .
13 ‘ He likes the sense of working against limitations , of seeing what kind of mountain shape can be developed given certain unalterable geological and meteorological data .
14 I polished the latches a bit with my shirtsleeve , then I put the briefcase back exactly as I 'd found it and took my leaf-trembling self along to the dining car , already regretting , before I got there , that I had n't stayed until the Canadian left , knowing that I 'd wasted some of the best and perhaps the only chance I would get of seeing what Filmer had brought with him on the train .
15 He had moreover , unlike Boethius , had the experience of seeing what Viking pirates did to his defenceless subjects ; and again unlike Boethius had taken such drastic measures against evil as hanging Viking prisoners , and rebellious monks , and in all probability cutting the throats of any wounded pirates so unlucky as to be left on the battlefield .
16 And I 'm sick of seeing what it 's doing to Peter — ’ She stopped and took a breath .
17 To the extent that he went further so as to suggest that in no circumstances could the speeches be looked at other than for the purposes of seeing what was said on a particular date , his remarks have to be understood in the context of the issues which arose in that case .
18 He likes the sense of working against limitations , of seeing what kind of mountain shape can be developed given certain unalterable geological and meteorological data .
19 As my right hon. Friend prepares himself for the important meeting with President Yeltsin later this week in London , will he take the opportunity of seeing what can be done to deal with the massive threat which still exists from all the different independent Russian states ?
20 That things remain unconscious , not because you never knew about them , but because they 're never brought into the relevant connections with other things that make you conscious of the thing in the sense of seeing what 's in it for Mrs you know , reports .
21 ‘ C ’ talks of seeing what can be salvaged , seeing if this man could still be turned , to follow the original score .
22 In either case it is only a way of ascertaining what is the scope of the representation .
23 Cheddleton Chairman Mr Phillip Oldfield commented : ‘ We have had far more requests from railways for use of the engine than we imagined we would have , it 's been a matter of accepting what we feel is the best offer .
24 Instead of accepting what I say and what the kids say , they wo n't accept they want peace . ’
25 Instead of accepting what may appear to many to be a cynical bribe , Radnorshire must deliver a clear message that it will not sell its beautiful countryside or the quality of life of its residents for cash .
26 Her Libran philosophy of accepting what could n't be changed helped dry her tears .
27 Should of heard what me and Emma were talking about last night !
28 I think actually Trev that was very very timely , cos that really sort of encapsulated what we said this morning , so thank you very much for coming back .
29 One of the problems of opposing what deconstruction has had to say about language is that , according to deconstructionists like Miller and de Man , to do so is to oppose language itself .
30 That being the emphatic view of their Lordships , it would , we think , be quite wrong in effect to re-import into the offence the necessity of proving what amounts to absence of consent on the part of the owner by saying that the word ‘ appropriates ’ necessarily means some action contrary to the authority or interests of the owner and that that is one of the requirements which the prosecution must prove .
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