Example sentences of "of [noun] children " in BNC.

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1 However , there was a clear distinction between those schools which used TTT to achieve greater integration of SEN children into a class , and those in which there was segregation , with one or other of the participating teachers adopting the traditional ‘ remedial group ’ model of SEN provision .
2 ‘ A handful of Merkut children armed with stones could see them off , Tulagai . ’
3 We located the obstetric notes of 37 of the 42 ( 88% ) mothers of case children born at the Royal Berkshire District Hospital or the Basingstoke District Hospital .
4 All four fathers of case children and nine of the 10 fathers of control children were employed by the industry before their child was conceived ( relative risk 2.8 , p=0.20 ) .
5 The unemployed , the poor , the chronically sick and disabled and of course children would need to be covered by public money .
6 TODDLER MORTALITY — mortality of one-year-old children ( i.e. mortality during the second year of life ) .
7 In a small proportion of cases children give their parents financial support ( Qureshi , 1986 ; Qureshi and Simons , 1987 ) .
8 While some schools did evaluate in committee the development of the library in the context of the project — and it is clear that developments in pedagogy were attributed at least partly to the project — we were not made aware of any which specifically monitored the number of times children and teachers borrowed or read books purchased specifically with project funds .
9 Looking like the sort of accessories children may use in their doctors and nurses games , these rubbers with a white cross on the side are in fact a serious attempt from Switzerland to promote safer sex .
10 As our society becomes more multicultural it is more essential for teachers to recognise the variety of skills children bring with them .
11 The road between San Biagio and Montepulciano is the one down which the Montepulcianesi came to welcome Iris Origo and the troupe of refugee children whom she walked to safety across a battlefield in June 1944 , caught between the German army of occupation and the advancing Allies .
12 By then , the critical decision had been taken to restrict the flow of refugee children into Britain .
13 The responsibilities of the regional and area committees increased in line with the numbers of refugee children needing care .
14 For Youth Allyah , Zionism came before all , an article of faith expressed with terrifying force by David Ben-Gurion , Jewish leader in Palestine when the flow of refugee children was at its height .
15 It was propagated by otherwise intelligent people like the eminent bishop who greeted a party of refugee children , kitted out in their ill-fitting hand-me-downs , with the cheerful observation : ‘ I did n't know there were any poor Jews. ,
16 The RCM held that , if the parents of refugee children had discouraged them from religious practices , their temporary guardians should not presume to treat them differently .
17 He was at his strongest when he or one of his supporters discovered that the Movement 's workers had misinterpreted the wishes of refugee children or their parents , or had simply allowed inadequate foster homes to escape thorough inspection .
18 Looking back on the twenty-five years of fostering children , is there any one memory that stands out for you ?
19 Here , the committee claimed , was evidence that by intervening directly in the environment , education specialists could raise the IQs of ghetto children to an average of over 125 points .
20 Greenfield 's comparable studies and conclusions are related to her research into different groups of Wolof children in Senegal , namely : ‘ rural unschooled ’ , ‘ bush schooled ’ and those who attended westernised schools in the cosmopolitan capital , Dakar .
21 Direct admissions of study children to the district hospital were also notified to the physician for assessment , monitoring , and treatment by the same standard treatment protocols .
22 The drawback to spending time in Câmara de Lobos is the hordes of beggar children who appear nowhere else on the island but are a real nuisance here .
23 A crowd of beggar children gathered to watch beyond the garden wall , but from the house itself there was no response .
24 But when the Great Third War — ’ The War To End It All ’ as the old man had written in his journal — had failed to materialise , the whole cumbersome isolation-unit had been folded up and stored away , only the metal brace remaining , for the amusement of each new generation of Shepherd children .
25 She suggested that the non-linguistic context might affect the kinds of responses children offered at a stage when they have an imperfect grasp of the meanings of one or both terms .
26 This is an elderly Englishwoman who has ‘ inherited ’ from an aunt her engagement with ‘ the struggle against the mutilation of girl children ’ , or female circumcision .
27 But the neglect of girl children through the centuries of theorising is more than a social injustice , though many might think this real and bad enough .
28 I think the evidence though is that men like okay , we 're talking generally , but if you look at the evidence of how many women are raped , one in four of girl children are molested before the age of sixteen , that to me suggests hatred !
29 ‘ . Girls of seven or eight could mind the baby , one of the most frequent excuses that parents offered to the school attendance officers for the absence of girl children .
30 Supper dance in aid of Hawes children 's playground , Crown Hotel .
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