Example sentences of "of [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I tell you something I was amazed at erm the reading book he appeared with , Fluff and Nip and goodness knows what that went out with the ark when I came out of college , I do n't know whether they 're all reading that or whether it 's just sort of found them and must of been just perhaps a one off or something , but , I was amazed
2 Yeah , you 're longest chain is a six so it could of been clearly based on hexane .
3 I think you need to I think you need to really of been somewhere else before
4 that would be to completely undermine the effect of article eighty five , we simply would n't be able to raise our shield at all , we would have a counterclaim but at which point since we had no of what erm , for example as one of it 's principal defences , defences , erm we would say we 've made the plaintiffs case very much easier , they 've now got all our money , we 're bankrupt , we ca n't pursue our claim because we 've got no money to pursue it with in article eighty five would of been completely undermined because we would not of had a realistic opportunity to raise article eighty five as a defence and your Lordship to do that would of had to not only set aside the counterclaim as a set off , but also to set aside the entire eighty five defence to stayed it or to have set it aside
5 So , when Freud 's Totem and Taboo appeared in nineteen thirteen , it would have instantly been compared with these , and that is the genre of er , anthropological writing in which it , it would of been immediately been at home .
6 Yeah , yeah , that 's what I mean , I mean he could of been fucking I R A
7 The incidence is one in ten thousand so it 's pretty rare but untreated these children will grow up very seriously , mentally retarded , very , very poor quality of life and enormous stress on their families , when they could of been nearly normal , right so the cause is one of these essential amino acids which is powdered protein , so what 's the treatment ?
8 Well I thought our John might of been here yesterday , but he did n't come
9 of course it was n't a very nice day I grant the , but erm , I thought he 'd of been here
10 I said if it , if she had n't of been here today , then yes we would of done , I says , but I 'm not gon na cover up for her !
11 well they 'd of been here thought of been desperate for that would n't you ?
12 Now Michael should of been here for this one ,
13 What the one that should of been here ?
14 What would of been here ?
15 if I had n't been stuck in the office all day , if I could of been out and about somewhere it would of been even nicer
16 I did think you know when I , when we go around and we look at some of these houses like Barratt houses and all like that , I thought that area would of been better off knocking into houses and then you see they would be able to get the community charge of the houses , but as it 's gon na happen now the council 's gon na have a lot of responsibility one way and another with er
17 What a prat , she should of been further al further along
18 come down with the stairs to chap , young chap , I told you he 's knocking on the door , it must of been then .
19 Oh it could well of been then , yeah .
20 How long ago was that then , how old would I of been then , when you had all these alterations done ?
21 thinking in , in , in the context of our , of our mission , this town wide mission , well that 's Billy 's job , he 's better at it than I am , but its not his job , its my job as much as its his and its your job as much as its mine , we do not well to keep silent these men they were troubled by their sin of silence , perhaps you and I should be troubled by our sin of silence because the extension of that , and here 's the really great thing , as far as they were concerned , the ex the , the ongoing because they were troubled by their sin of silence and they did something about it , they were thrilled at the sight that they saw , as they see the city being delivered , and as they see starving men and women eating food perhaps for the first time in days or weeks , buying good wholesome food at a reasonable price , that was the sigh that thrilled them and you can imagine them , and I think they 'd be entitled to a little bit of pride that I 'm glad we told them , I 'm glad we went back and shared the news apart from any thing we could n't of coped with all ourselves , it would of been so wrong to of kept it , it would of been so wrong just to of eaten it ourselves , I 'm glad we went back and told them .
22 thinking in , in , in the context of our , of our mission , this town wide mission , well that 's Billy 's job , he 's better at it than I am , but its not his job , its my job as much as its his and its your job as much as its mine , we do not well to keep silent these men they were troubled by their sin of silence , perhaps you and I should be troubled by our sin of silence because the extension of that , and here 's the really great thing , as far as they were concerned , the ex the , the ongoing because they were troubled by their sin of silence and they did something about it , they were thrilled at the sight that they saw , as they see the city being delivered , and as they see starving men and women eating food perhaps for the first time in days or weeks , buying good wholesome food at a reasonable price , that was the sigh that thrilled them and you can imagine them , and I think they 'd be entitled to a little bit of pride that I 'm glad we told them , I 'm glad we went back and shared the news apart from any thing we could n't of coped with all ourselves , it would of been so wrong to of kept it , it would of been so wrong just to of eaten it ourselves , I 'm glad we went back and told them .
23 we really enjoyed them , but you see if we 'd of got four they would n't of been so nice
24 Would n't of been more than five . .
25 Could of been indeed .
26 Oh we would of been there on Sunday but , I 've been , I 've been , yeah
27 No I did n't seem them , might , might of been there I never noticed them
28 that ducks do have eggs it 's possible they could of been there but they were n't .
29 If I 'd of been there I 'd of flogged that a long while ago and got rid of it
30 Cor I should n't of been there I think I should of been the next one along
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