Example sentences of "of [pron] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 If all members of the human race had arrived roughly at the same time at the point when the need for a ‘ god ’ had started to influence human behaviour , it may well have been that the existence of a disastrous diversity of ‘ gods ’ , all of whom according to their worshippers conferred privileges , would never have become established .
2 If its august it must be Fairport … for these fifty Americans … some of whom having been coming for ten years … their annual pilgrimage to Oxfordshire for the Fairport Convention festival starts with a meeting with the folk rock band in a local pub .
3 Scientific research is usually carried out by a team of scientists , often from several disciplines who work together , each of whom contributing something to the whole .
4 A farewell party was arranged with the usual outcome of everyone remembering a good evening ( we have to tell ++ ) .
5 If only I were capable of taking over Swift myself , but I 'm not , I never was , I never will be — I just could n't face it , all the pressure , the ruthless cut-throat ambition of everyone trying to stab me in the back and take my place …
6 Land Trusts , he thought , should be responsible for the proper exploitation of resources and would need to pay attention to the human and social needs of everyone living in the area .
7 Maybe it was nothing more than the statistical impossibility of everyone staying home all of the time .
8 I mean do you sort of maximise the good of all , or do you use a criterion of everyone thinking that they themselves are happy , or is it some other means ?
9 Only one rider , a slightly built girl called ‘ Evelyn ’ , was considered to be sufficiently capable to ride this powerful and frightening horse , which she did to the admiration and applause of everyone watching .
10 I 'm just fed up of everyone saying ‘ Oh you 're Robina 's brother
11 So get pictures taken of everyone coming in .
12 He walked with self-conscious haste up the south side of the street towards Temple Bar , staring into the face of everyone coming the opposite way , challenging them to give any sign of their pity and contempt .
13 In the bedroom Caterina and Rosalba shared in the apartment in Rupe , smaller than their room in the farmhouse , Rosa questioned her sister , whispering , the night after Tommaso had made her a gift of the bird in the street in sight of everyone coming out of Mass .
14 The hope of everyone campaigning for the survival of the 130-year-old warship builder is that work will be allowed to continue on three frigates which are at various construction stages .
15 Yes , I wanted to emphasise the way some men feel constrain before , not because I want to suggest it 's now becoming a problem for men and we should be worrying about them , but because you asked what prospects there were for doing something about it and I think if something 's to be done about it , and it 's a problem of everyone devising new standards of behaviour , it 's very important that quite large numbers of men should be prepared to play a part in trying to work out what these standards should be , and there is quite substantial interest in trying to do that , both at the level of the teaching staff at the university and at the level of the undergraduates .
16 The Highways Department will sink or swim on the basis of everyone pulling together . ’
17 A few minutes earlier Ruth would have welcomed the idea of everyone going off to sleep ( not that Sean showed any sign of doing so ) as an opportunity for her to indulge in her own thoughts , but the fits of uninhibited laughter had restored her to something nearer to normality , and at last she was present with her companions in mind as well as in the flesh .
18 The counterfoil is a record of me casting my vote and forms part of the calculation of the number of votes cast .
19 Not for want of me trying .
20 I watched a girl in front of me trying to hop from one patch to another so as to avoid ducking the two strips of leather somebody had sold her as shoes .
21 Joe paused , contemplating the idea of me sealing my fate with such obvious enthusiasm .
22 At the time I was of the same colouring ( there 's a portrait of me hanging at Burpham ) .
23 He does n't approve of me staying here at all . "
24 I 'm not leaving you here all alone , so it 's a case of you either coming with me , or of me staying here for the rest of the night and neither of us getting any rest .
25 ‘ Well , if you must know , I think it 's because he just does n't like the idea of me leaving him .
26 Stu , I mean I live in Glasgow , the chances of me leaving Glasgow are pro , pre pretty slim but yeah , I certainly do n't want to stay in Scotland because of any loyalty , that I do n't think it 's given me very much other than a lot of experience , a lot of struggle , a lot of opportunities to stand alongside working class people and fight against , you know , the injustices .
27 But I think they could have afforded , just the idea of me leaving home .
28 She said her dad at first ‘ hated the idea of me modelling ’ but was now really proud .
29 Then there was the matter of me getting hit on the head .
30 If I was to get a job outside of the centre [ occupational day centre ] now and retired at 65 what would be the point of me getting a job ? ’
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