Example sentences of "of [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of a substantive response , Congress is also expected to move to extend the visas of 40,000 Chinese students in the US , many of whom fear persecution should they return home .
2 The prisoners , some of whom refer to themselves , as ‘ gangsters ’ , have to pay for their own food .
3 The 36-year-old player-manager will play himself at the expense of either Steve McMahon or Rick Holden , both of whom cost £900,000 .
4 Six of the Council 's members , namely Kryuchkov , Maslyukov , Primakov , Shevardnadze , Yakovlev and Yazov , were full or candidate members of the CPSU central committee politburo , all of whom except Yakovlev held in addition ministerial or state posts ( although Primakov resigned on March 28 as Chair of the Soviet of the Union in connection with joining the Presidential Council ) .
5 In a company of five surveyors , all of whom hold shares and are also directors , the question of whether or not an individual may allege ‘ prejudicial ’ conduct by the others will depend on whether the plaintiff has suffered harm as a member .
6 Classes at the ‘ City Lit ’ , as it is affectionately known , are handled by a highly competent team of tutors , many of whom teach at the drama schools too .
7 There are endless obstacles to romance , in the shape of their teenage children , ex-lovers and Charlie 's ex-wife , all of whom pitch in to make them doubt their true feelings .
8 There are local people who support the school … many of whom shoot on the site .
9 The breakthrough could offer an effective treatment to the 6,000 people who suffer from the life-threatening disease in the UK , many of whom die in their early 30s .
10 The programmed is likely to displace some 15,000 Auyu tribal people , most of whom depend on the forest as hunter-gatherers or rubber tappers .
11 Young moves round the corner to Toto 's in Walton Street , checking the cars , hoping the drivers — most of whom know him — will give him a whisper of what 's going on .
12 Not surprisingly though Rita gets along well with her various employers , some of whom know she is working illegally , and some of whom do n't .
13 When will they listen to the British people , the great majority of whom know that there should be improved and common employees ' rights for all Community countries in the single market ?
14 Of those English cricketers to have played in one-day internationals , the most successful have been Graham Gooch and Allan Lamb , both of whom average around 40 with the bat .
15 Nevertheless , there are now over 400 officially registered grape growers in England and Wales , most of whom make wine , and most in the South of England .
16 With a closely guarded guest list of just eight — four of whom remain unidentified despite intense investigations — the marriage was being staged under the attentive gaze of their jailers .
17 One explanation is that Uganda 's two most prominent leaders in the recent past were Idi Amin and Milton Obote , both of whom set worldwide standards for venality and corruption .
18 The corporation of Devizes swore in two mayors in 1706 , both of whom set up their own common councils , with the Whig one meeting at the Guildhall , and the Tories at Weavers ' Hall .
19 To Clare , Anne , Jennifer , Philippa and Sonia , My Granddaughters and Greatniece , All of whom spin .
20 This is mainly the fault of the shop assistants , all of whom climb mountains and will stand discussing Munros with you for 45 minutes , which makes it impossible to leave without buying something .
21 In these respects Frith/Moll is represented in the tradition of the warrior woman and the folk figure of Long Meg of Westminster , both of whom distinguish true morality from false , the proper man from the braggart , and finally submit to the former ( Shepherd , Amazons , esp .
22 C. I. Lewis ( 1952 ) is a response to Reichenbach ( 1952 ) and Goodman ( 1952 ) , both of whom argue against his view that unless something is certain nothing is even probable .
23 It is argued that whilst this tradition continues today it has been accelerated by the arrival of North Sea oil money and consolidated by the housing needs of incoming workers many of whom desire to own their own property .
24 True , even with those drawbacks , NATO functions well , but it has had the advantage of 350,000 American service men and ourselves , all of whom speak a common language .
25 Unlike the élitists , many of whom wish to compensate for working-class children 's loss of traditional agricultural satisfactions through a mainly affective curriculum , Searle recommends creativity to strengthen working-class children 's confidence and pride in their own identity .
26 Eventually the by now substantial crowds are ushered along the walls towards the square by the barely adolescent soldiers , some of whom ask for cigarettes as they do so .
27 The big question now is whether Communist MPs , most of whom come from the old school , will apply for membership of the new party .
28 Working from her converted garage , Lorna makes up sample boards , organises exhibition stands , creates promotions , and visits her clients , many of whom come via word of mouth .
29 There are 220 women there , many of whom come from prostitution .
30 The decline in public sector housebuilding and the rise in council house rents , together with the transfer of many council houses to the private sector , has resulted in an increase in the number of homeless people , most of whom come from groups who are unable to afford to become owner-occupiers .
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