Example sentences of "be under no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 After all , you 're under no moral obligation to them .
2 We 're under no obligation to put on a show for other people 's benefit . ’
3 The matters for discussion are s spelt out but just so that you 're under no illusions to what we are aiming to talk about , first issue , first matter is is the proposed provision and distribution of employment land for district councils and Greater York , the reason bearing in mind the need to provide sufficient land for employment in appropriate locations and the second matter is what effect if any will the proposed scale on provision have on adjoining areas in West Yorkshire .
4 I am under no illusion on that score , he wrote , I am under no illusion that the big glass will in an instant blow all that away , flatten the critics against the walls , tear paintings from their places , bring the galleries tumbling to the ground .
5 I am under no illusion on that score , he wrote , I am under no illusion that the big glass will in an instant blow all that away , flatten the critics against the walls , tear paintings from their places , bring the galleries tumbling to the ground .
6 I am under no illusion as to effect , he wrote .
7 ‘ But I am under no pressure to sell and I have n't had a phone call for any player — Mick Quinn included . ’
8 I am under no illusion about how difficult my presence here is for you . ’
9 Michael Duane , its head , then said ( Berg 1968:283 — 4 ) : I am under no illusion about the size of the task faced by this staff .
10 ‘ I am under no obligation to tell you my name , Mr Blake . ’
11 ‘ I am under no illusions and therefore unlikely to get carried away , ’ he said .
12 This is a sign of strength , since franchisees are under no obligation to sell the firm 's brands .
13 We are under no pressure to do anything immediately .
14 Whether you contact us by ‘ phone or by post , you are under no obligation .
15 Any consultation is free and you are under no obligation to act on our advice .
16 District councillors are under no illusion that the extra cash they are providing is enough to solve the problem entirely .
17 → String manufacturers are under no real pressure to provide standard gauges , Martin .
18 Clients are under no obligation to buy their consumables from us .
19 But you are under no obligation to do so .
20 Remember that you are under no obligation to tell anyone about your positive result ; not even your employer or your G.P. Your decisions about who to tell should be very carefully thought through .
21 A decision to inform the Head Teacher must be carefully thought through ; you are under no obligation to inform him or her .
22 Companies are under no obligation to do so but , for those people lucky enough to work for an organisation willing to amend its pension scheme rules accordingly , this new provision could make an immense difference to the financial position of early retirees .
23 Governing elites are under no real compulsion to submit to societal pressures in shaping state policy , for two main groups of reasons .
24 Webster and Simmons are under no illusions about the task ahead of them .
25 However , owners are under no compulsion to sell and although land may be identified for development , it may in fact remain undeveloped for many years .
26 Although we are convinced we are under no ob ] igation to make additional payments which you ask , we are prepared as you demand in your telex of the 26th June , 1973 , and in order to maintain an amicable relationship and without prejudice to our rights , to make an increase of 10 per cent .
27 Yes , I realize you are under no obligation to keep Peter here .
28 I suspect that people who work in the industry are under no illusions .
29 Regional Official Walter Ievers said it had been confirmed that schools are under no statutory obligation to report to parents of children finishing primary seven and third form in secondary and grammar schools in the way the Department has indicated in the recent Parents Guide .
30 The vendors , in turn , are under no obligation to accept any offer made for [ name ] .
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