Example sentences of "be going the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No more did I. I hope I 'm wrong but I — I think we 're going the wrong way . ’
2 And you 're going the same way , I can see that !
3 And where we 're going the winds come from right around the globe . ’
4 ‘ You 're going the wrong way about it , though .
5 Are you sure we 're going the right way ? ’
6 gone to sleep if you were alright No never mind and you 're going the doctor 's we 'll make appointment tomorrow cos you wo n't and if I make one you 'll have to blooming go and do it .
7 Henry you 're going the wrong way , as usual .
8 No , no , you 're going the other way !
9 and they 're going the flares are us and he goes bloody southern bastards
10 A native-born Moldavian despite his Russian name , Mr Pyotr Luchinsky , the new first secretary has been going the rounds , talking to people in soothing terms all over the republic .
11 aye , you see , that 's why so it meant that we have been going the last week in each month , er each second month
12 Determined to be her Uncle 's guide Erika said , ‘ I think that we are going the wrong way , Uncle .
13 The vole , he says , appears to be coming perilously close to being endangered ; and this means that Britain 's wetlands are going the same way .
14 As a supporter of the lower divisions and non-League football , I am becoming increasingly alienated from the game at the top level and I believe many thousands of people are going the same way .
15 The lone cyclist , the donkey rider heading for a distant horizon : wherever they are going the eye can not follow .
16 The most important ingredient is speed , sine the faster you are going the lighter the rig will feel in the duck ( apparent wind ) .
17 But the sort of criticism that says ‘ if we want to achieve X , I believe we are going the wrong way about it , what we ought to be doing is Y ’ , seems to me to be exactly the approach that is needed .
18 ‘ What I mean is , where they are going the pecking order they have created will take on a mortal significance , red in tooth and claw . ’
19 ‘ It 's awfully wild , ’ she said , ‘ but you are going the right way ’ — she was proceeding east and going into the storm at the time — and she thanked me for opening the gate .
20 ‘ You are going the wrong way ! ’
21 I know I 'm going the wrong way , but I do n't care .
22 I know my way round here and I know I 'm going the wrong way , but I just carry on .
23 I do n't , I 'm going the wrong way , I 'm going the way when I go with Jim the quick way
24 I do n't , I 'm going the wrong way , I 'm going the way when I go with Jim the quick way
25 Their cars seem to be going the same way , with Daihatsu contriving to build a diesel engine of a mere 993cc for the little Charade four-seater hatchback .
26 New 8088 based computers have virtually disappeared from the scene , and now 80286 based PCs seem to be going the same way .
27 By all the rules of the market , Hewlett-Packard Co 's HP 3000 business computer family should be going the way of the Wang Laboratories Inc VS and the Nixdorf Computer AG 8870 , but in defiance of crude market logic , the machine is going from strength to strength , bolstered by the company 's relaxed approach to migration to Unix : because HP 3000 users know they can relatively painlessly convert to Unix any time they choose , the majority are happy to stay right where they are , and the company claims that its high-end HP 3000 system business actually grew more than 50% last year , and the much-derided Posix interface is actually enabling it to pick up applications from Unix .
28 And James Herbert , another of Hodder 's biggest selling authors , is rumoured to be going the same way : he is said to be on the point of signing a two-book deal with HarperCollins worth £1.7m .
29 Rugged , reliable and easy to maintain , harnessing a complex turboprop to the Dak would seem to be going the wrong way .
30 He was found by his father , Don who happened to be going the same way .
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