Example sentences of "be too many " in BNC.

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1 He 's talking about er er that there 're too many foreigners in our country .
2 I just hope there wo n't be too many … the music room can only hold about a hundred , comfortably .
3 Even one may be too many .
4 ‘ Unfortunately , we can not backdate payments because there would be too many people , ’ said Mr Paisley , who is his father 's personal assistant .
5 She felt there would be too many families at the seaside and not enough single men .
6 I AM writing in response to Mr. Gage 's letter in September RW&P in which he says that there is not a proper step between the club rugby and international rugby in England and that there will be too many league matches for top players .
7 Wo n't be too many places he 'd be remembered these days , all those who could remember him are dead , or trying to die .
8 There seem to be too many outlets in Wales , for example , but too few in the north of England .
9 Unfortunately , the program tries to be too many different things at once , and as a result it is n't easy to use as it claims and performs quite slowly .
10 Hence the presence of entry barriers may not mean there are too few firms in the industry , there may actually be too many ( von Weizsacker , 1980 ) .
11 Without the red ones there will still be too many entails Without the scarlet ones there will still be too many
12 Without the red ones there will still be too many entails Without the scarlet ones there will still be too many
13 OK , there may be too many biographies being written , but that is a matter for author and publisher .
14 So that 'd be too many .
15 Even if we were prepared to do that , there would just be too many particles to record .
16 But mother 's too close for comfort ; there 'd be too many nearby friends , too many chances of bumping into people I 'd rather not bump into ; too much mitigating against the clean break ; new start .
17 Unfortunately , there can be too many project groups ( or ‘ commando groups ’ ) for the good of the total organisation , and a manager 's dilemma is to decide how many project groups he should create to satisfy the needs of his subordinates , and how much bureaucratic organisation structure should be retained for the benefit of the total organisation despite the wishes of his subordinates .
18 There must be enough of the right food , the temperature and habitat must be right , there must not be too many other animals that would parasitize it , or kill it for food .
19 And so it 's very important to get this completed really well tt because then there should n't be too many queries later on .
20 The critic must study the text with the maximum degree of attention to all its parts ( Richards suggests ( 1970 : 317 ) that four poems may be too many for a week 's reading ) , but his aim is to arrive at the ‘ relevant mental condition ’ ( Richards 1970 : 11 ) associated with it , and then to judge this mental condition according to the principles outlined above .
21 ‘ I doubt there 'll be too many problems , ’ she told him .
22 He unhorsed Edmund , knowing very well whom he held at his lance 's point , with economy and address , and without damaging the horse , for of fine horses there can never be too many .
23 They say that there will be too many difficulties with the software , and that local government officials will not be able to work it out properly .
24 Anyway , there would be too many people around . ’
25 And even if no fingerprints could be found on it , even if several of the tourists had already discarded or misplaced their own sheets , there would not be too many Americans , surely , who regularly wrote their sevens with a continental bar across the downstroke .
26 But 90 was thought to be too many to be easily controlled from the centre , which meant retaining the existing tier of regional administration as an executive arm of government , while the variation in population size was tackled by creating a third tier of management in large areas : the district .
27 Will there be too many conflicts ? ( c ) Will plaintiff personal injury work preclude other types of work you are or wish to be engaged in , such as corporate and commercial business ?
28 You can make sure you can take time to make sure you get it right you get the information right gives you chance to formulate new ideas and put things in a different way until they have to be too many drafts .
29 There seem to be too many women with very possessive attitudes towards you !
30 I EXPECT there wo n't be too many vacant places at Wellington College , Annadale Avenue , Belfast , next Tuesday evening when one of the best fly-tyers in the business makes a welcome return to the evening class scene .
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